Full Version: Beveler

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#20]
 20 Sep 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#19] 20 Sep 2005

The trick to beveling multi items smaller than 1/2" is vector score the items without cutting through and keeping the smaller edges all together as one piece and running say 10 or so through the beveler on both sides then snapping them apart and beveling the longer sides.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#21]
 20 Sep 2005

The trick to beveling small widths, i.e. 3/8" is not to bevel such small widths. Sounds logical enough, but that doesn't make sense -- or does it?

Here's what you do:

Let's say you need a number of 3/8" x 2" plastic plates. Cut a 2" x 12" length from a piece of sheet stock.

Bevel the two 12" long sides.

Guess what? By beveling the 12" widths, before you cut the individual plates, you've already beveled the small widths.

That means, after cutting the individual plates, all that's left to do, is bevel the 2" widths.

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