Full Version: Profiled leather

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1]
 30 May 2006

Customer wanted his name on his racing suit and the best I could come up with is profiled leather. He brought in the material with an iron on adhesive. I applied the adhesive then lasered the name out of 1/16" black leather.

Not sure how it will hold up (adhesive) but it looks good for this weekend's race anyhow.

I tried a few times with one pass but had to go to 2 to get a clean cut. Smells like crazy though!

I just did the Welcher....in case you were wondering :-) 


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#2]
 30 May 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1] 30 May 2006

Well done!

From: sprinter [#3]
 30 May 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1] 30 May 2006

Most racing organizations do not allow any modification or additions to racing suits unless done by the original manufacture. The suits are classified as mandatory safety equipment. You better hope that he doesn't have a fire, you would most likely be the first named in the law suit. But it does look nice.

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#4]
 30 May 2006
To: sprinter [#3] 30 May 2006

You better hope that he doesn't have a fire, you would most likely be the first named in the law suit.

I certainly hope he doesn't have a fire either but what concern is it of mine? I just cut the leather....I didn't put it on the suit. Will the leather somehow make it more flammable?

If I make a trophy for someone and it falls off a shelf and hurts someone down the road am I liable?

Forgive me if I read something in your post that wasn't there but it just sounded snippy to me.

I suppose we engravers need to be lawyers too?

Should I call him and tell him to take it off? (devil) 

From: sprinter [#5]
 30 May 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#4] 30 May 2006

No, not snippy at all, just from expierience. I read into your post you attached the name, my mistake.

In todays law suit happy enironment, we should all be aware of product liability issues.

EDITED: 30 May 2006 by SPRINTER

From: LaserMike [#6]
 30 May 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#4] 30 May 2006

Hey Brian, I used to race motorcycles professionally and my guess is (what you have pictured) are leathers for motorcycle racing.

The only sports that come to mind where you wear full leather suits are motorcycle racing - MotoGP, superbikes etc. (not dirtbikes) and the crazy nuts that do "road luge" down steep hills on extra long skateboards.

Any sport that has a fire hazard typically requires Nomex racing suits, as well as supplemnental Nomex under gamrments, booties, gloves and helmet liners as part of the safety equipment requirements.

Personally, I wouldn't sweat it (unless actually wearing full leathers) :-) 

My 2 cents.


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