Full Version: MagicTouch Paper

From: logojohn [#13]
 5 Jan 2006

Whats the latest on the Magic Touch laser transfer paper.

Is anyone having luck using it?

Is the only place to get it by calling them?
They don't have any online ordering.
Do other places sell it?

What was the other brand of paper and contact info?

The asi Dept. has a new lanier LP12cn testing on approval.
The sales rep and their tech support can't tell me if it is the
new polymer toner there is a special paper for or even whether
the Magic Touch Paper will work in it.

We need to test it out before deciding on keeping this. They have a relationship with Lanier so would like to use that brand as opposed to using the brands listed.


EDITED: 5 Jan 2006 by LOGOJOHN

From: Funkmeister (FUNKY) [#14]
 5 Jan 2006
To: D-zines (X-TREMEGRAPHICS) [#1] 5 Jan 2006

I use the Magic touch paper for alot of things in my shop. I think it works just fine. Have used it on alot of different items. Just letting you know

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15]
 5 Jan 2006
To: logojohn [#13] 5 Jan 2006


The question to ask of Lanier is if the printer uses electrostatic (magnetic) toner, which relies on a heat fuser to attach toner to the paper of if the printer uses an oil fuser, which is the type used in conjunction with OEM polymer-coated toner.

The latter is necessary, if you plan to use Magic Touch paper or similar brands such as M3, HG etc.

Forum member, "Mick" is a distributor of the type of paper you're referring to.

Harvey also knows of another source.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
 5 Jan 2006
To: logojohn [#13] 5 Jan 2006

The list of suppliers known to me is included at the end of the PDF in thread/post 2366.1

From: logojohn [#17]
 6 Jan 2006

Thanks for the list and the settings that will be very helpful.

I am a little confused about the purpose of the teflon mat that is recommended.

One photo shows it on the pad you put the items on and they even sell fitted ones.
Do you then put the item on it and the transfer paper which would be next to the heated surface.

Does it just disperse heat from bottom of the item or what is the purpose? I wouldnt think it would do much good unless it was between the heated surface and the item being imprinted.


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 6 Jan 2006
To: logojohn [#17] 6 Jan 2006

The paper will stick to some surfaces badly, like paper and felt. The Teflon sheet does two things. It prevents sticking and traps any extra toner making it easy to remove.

Lacquer thinner is an instant solvent for laser toner and does not affect the Teflon sheet.

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