Full Version: Help! Orange hair!

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#3]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 13 Dec 2005


I scanned the images in at 600 dpi and reduced the size. Could that cause the same problem?

Also, it seems to be ok color wise on most things. Just a problem with photos.

thank you!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#3] 13 Dec 2005


600 dpi is overkill. It wouldn't cause a bad image, but the file size would be huge. No need to scan at over 300 dpi.

If you're having trouble with scanned photos, it sounds like your scanner needs to be calibrated. If you're not able to calibrate the scanner, you can adjust color balance in Photo Paint or Photoshop.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#5]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 13 Dec 2005

I don't know how to calibrate my scanner (any ideas?). I did try to adjust the color balance in the photos to lighten the background. Do you suppose I messed up the overall color?

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#5] 13 Dec 2005


Always work with a copy of the original scan. That way, if things get way out of whack, you can start over.

What scanner are you using?

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#5] 13 Dec 2005

Is it the image on the computer that is off color, or the sublimated one?

On the computer:
Scanner profile detached.
Scanner color adjustment set to other than automatic.
Scanner light on last legs.
Scanner hardware failure.
Computer program mis-set to use profile a second time.
Monitor uncalibrated or set to the wrong profile.

On only the subbed item:
Profile not installed properly. This is a many step process to eliminate the printers profile and replace it with the one for the sub ink.
A color setting in use rather than automatic.
Remember that the color of the print has very little to do with the final color on the substrate.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#8]
 13 Dec 2005

thank you David & Harvey,
I'm going to try re-scanning the photos and see if I can improve. The scanner is an inexpensive Microtek 4850. Can't do much in the way of adjusting. I tried to figure out how to calibrate, but don't see where that would happen.
I'll let you know if it works better scanning at 300 dpi.
thanks much!

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#9]
 13 Dec 2005

I re-scanned the photos at 300 dpi and it seems to have made a big difference. But this time I think I got a little heavy on the spray adhesive and it caused some spotting...

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
 13 Dec 2005
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#9] 14 Dec 2005


What are you printing?

As you discovered, spray adhesive only needs to be applied to your transfer paper as a very light mist.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#11]
 14 Dec 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10] 14 Dec 2005

yes, the spray adhesive can be very tricky! But the good news is, the hair is back to normal. I believe when I tried to make adjustments to lighten the background, it turned the hair orange. I think the odd look and feel to the photo was due to scanning at such a high resolution. My computer didn't like it and rebelled by messing up the pixels or something like that.

thanks for suggesting I scan at 300 dpi or less. I have not been sure what to use previously, and thought higher dpi would be better. I think the computer has a hard time redrawing and consequently it shows in the reproduction.

Again you have come to my rescue when I really needed help. I do so appreciate this forum and especially your help David. Thank you-

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#12]
 14 Dec 2005
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#11] 21 Jan 2006


I love a happy ending. Glad you got the results you were looking for.

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