Full Version: Board Of Inquiry

From: JHayes55 [#57]
 19 Feb 2006
To: Gary (GNELSON) [#56] 19 Feb 2006

Gary - Yes that's the one - he always had some big deal going on - or so he said.

He did not do anything to me personally but he did take advantage of some people (friends of mine) here on the board. From all indications his business practices are less than ethical.

Justin's reasons for posting here may have been two fold - one to pump himself up because he needed pumping up - second seems to have been to take advantage of people. It's a sad case and thankfully not very common among the good folks who frequent this board.

Glad you have been busy - good to see you back.

From: Upacreek [#58]
 20 Feb 2006

Would using an account like Paypal help? Another suggestion would be using credit cards. They have built-in buyer protection. It sounds like the forum is doing what it can to eliminate problem members.

In answer to these questions. Either of those options do not always guarantee a resolution.

I have met many people who have paid via PayPal and not received their merchandise/service. Complaints to PayPal result in generic responses and no assistance in resolution.

I personally had problems with a cc purchase of a computer 8 years ago. It was not what was advertised. After fighting with the company for months and them finally agreeing to take the computer back, I shipped it to them naively expecting a refund. Yup, No refund. I filed complaints to the cc and BBB. The company lied and said I had taken a hammer to the computer. They even went to the extent to break the computer with a hammer, put it back in my shipping box and take photos of it to "prove" the damage "I did" to it. I had no photos to prove otherwise so I was denied the $700 refund.

Regarding should the forum allow discussion of bad vendors? To an extent, yes. Don't stoop to the level of the bad vendor and trash them. Just present the facts and state your experience. That's when other people start to share their similar experiences or step up to help resolve the problem.


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#59]
 23 Feb 2006
To: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#10] 6 May 2006

You said
I really like the way it is here , an easy sense of community and mainly a technical board with an international flavor
Getting into board of enquiries and ratings etc makes it very localised and it can start to feel restrictive as well , very much a big brother approach with the board as the stick.

I am only NOW getting caught up on forum posts and have not read this entire thread, but I do agree with you on this point.

From: gt350ed [#60]
 24 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#53] 24 Feb 2006

and we have five services: two on Saturday evening....and three on Sunday. Can I get an "Amen!"? B-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#61]
 24 Feb 2006
To: gt350ed [#60] 25 Feb 2006


Getting an Amen is our 6th service. How many do you need? :-) 

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