Full Version: DA Beach (Joisey Version)

From: Josh (WIZURD) [#1]
 5 Mar 2006

Didn't know if anyone was going to the ARA show in New Jersey and perhaps have a similar evening as in Vegas. I was there and had a great time. Hopefully I can offer some help somewhere along the way.

EDITED: 5 Mar 2006 by DGL

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2]
 5 Mar 2006
To: Josh (WIZURD) [#1] 5 Mar 2006

To do that I think we would have to rent a conference room, no food, etc.

The only restaurant I can think of anywhere near there is expensive and not set up for groups like ours.

Need to give it some more thought because it is a good idea. I will ask Wifey, (Deena-Only), because she usually has really good ideas when given a challenge like this.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#3]
 5 Mar 2006
To: Josh (WIZURD) [#1] 5 Mar 2006

Spoke to Wifey who is on the floor of another show and have a few minor ideas but need info.

Which day would be best?

Who and how many would show up?

Worst case, with that info we might be able to rent a conference room and Wifey and I could just bring in a platter of cold cuts for that many and have something available.

As you can tell, I really like that idea!

From: Josh (WIZURD) [#4]
 5 Mar 2006

Ok, worse comes to worse it will be the three of us representing! As for locations, we could meet up at one of the hotel bars or one of the other bars in the area. Either way, it would be fun to meet those on the east coast.

From: Gary (GLSHOE) [#5]
 5 Mar 2006

There will be three of us from Cape May County there, not sure which days yet. My wife and I are still in Vegas and are flying out Tuesday. Had a great time, my daughter is at home with her kids , but will make the trip to Secausus with us. Let us know if anything firms up.

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#6]
 5 Mar 2006
To: Gary (GLSHOE) [#5] 6 Mar 2006

I can drive up to Seacausus one day next week and look around. I think there are some restaurants in the immediate area. I'll post what I find.


From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#7]
 6 Mar 2006

I expect to be at the show on Friday if all goes well. Don't know how late I'd be able to stay. I think I'll be going into the city early the next morning. (It's coming up fast!)

From: Bieb (HABIEB) [#8]
 6 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#6] 6 Mar 2006

I will be there. Friday and Saturday. Driving up from Atlanta, staying with the in-laws in South Jersey and making the trek up each morning.


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9]
 6 Mar 2006

If I had any energy left, after compiling the Vegas list, I'd get another one going for the NJ show.

I'm only good for one list per year. :-) 

It seems to help in getting the buzz for the show going.

Also, remember to stop by the Epilog booth, who so graciously offers to have EE member badges there for you, to wear around the show.

The badges sure helped, to spot fellow members at ARA Las Vegas.

From: Josh (WIZURD) [#10]
 6 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9] 6 Mar 2006

If need be, I will volunteer to gather names for the show. Least I can do after the fun I had at the beach.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#11]
 6 Mar 2006
To: Josh (WIZURD) [#10] 6 Mar 2006


I doubt you'll get much resistance to your offer. :-) 

It was nice meeting you in Las Vegas. I hope the NJ show is just as successful, in terms of forum members getting together.

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12]
 6 Mar 2006
To: Josh (WIZURD) [#10] 6 Mar 2006

Please start a list. As part of the post ask people if they would prefer Friday night or Saturday night. I will be in that area Friday and scout locations.


From: Bieb (HABIEB) [#13]
 13 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12] 13 Mar 2006

Any update on this thread? I posted my vote in the poll.


From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#14]
 13 Mar 2006
To: Bieb (HABIEB) [#13] 14 Mar 2006

I was up in that area the other day but there was an incident on the NJ
turnpike so I went another way. I should be there either Wednesday or Friday of this week and I will look around.


From: Barbara (RGILE) [#15]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#14] 14 Mar 2006

Hi Dee,
I am trying to convince my husband to attend the show. I would love to take one of the classes.
I will let you know for sure, but keep me posted anyway.
I would love to meet everyone in person.

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#16]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#15] 15 Mar 2006

The more the better. If your husband doesn't want to come leave him home! That will surely get him there nect year.


From: Barbara (RGILE) [#17]
 15 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#16] 15 Mar 2006

I just might do that. Jersey is not that far for me.
I will keep you posted on it.
I would love to meet both of you as well as some of the others here on the East Coast.

From: Gary (GLSHOE) [#18]
 15 Mar 2006

It looks like at least for the gang here that Saturday is going to be trhe only day for us. Ours is a family business and when everyone's schedule is consulted it leaves us just one day. ( I had 4 in Vegas) So anyway I am looking forward to meeting some of you on Saturday the 1st. Watch out for April Fool's Day.


From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#19]
 15 Mar 2006

I went to the show site today. There is an Outback 100 steps from the convention center. Less than a minute drive away is a Red Lobster and a Houlihans. Since I didn't have a number or a day I could not look further.

Please fill out the poll or post your intentions.


From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#20]
 16 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#19] 17 Mar 2006

I should know some time this week, but my friday vote may change to saturday. (IF I have the option, which day would be easier to drive in that area?)

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