Full Version: The "Cart" before The Horse?

From: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#62]
 27 Apr 2006
To: Chap (TROPICAL) [#11] 27 Apr 2006

If that were the case David I think the choice would be clear for Epson who the market leader was in this sector of the market and I would imgine the fees involved would put most companies out of the frame but like I said 'if that were the case'

Your theory that Epson would license their patents to others I feel is clutching at straws a little. Take HP, as far as I am aware they defend their patents with a passion on the cartridges (which have the print heads on them) and I don't know of anywhere where you can buy a replica HP cartridge other than the complete rip offs from China (please correct me if I am wrong on this) and I dont see any reason why Epson would not follow the same business model. Also make note Epson don't sell sublimation inks so this does not affect their sales of regualr inks.

Paul Hirst
TG Europe

A little late to the party am I.

Paul, I have an HP DJ130 printer. Its a 24" wide format inkjet printer. It comes with user replaceable print heads, they're not part of the ink carts. Maybe this is the wave of the future and a way around such matters.

PS: This is HulaMike btw. I had to reregister with a new name since the last time I visited here.

EDITED: 27 Apr 2006 by BIGPIXEL

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#63]
 27 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#62] 27 Apr 2006


Better late, than never. Thanks for contributing to the thread. Good question/theory.

BTW, feel free to run off as many of our members as you can.

Sorry folks! It's an inside joke. :-) 

From: Mick [#64]
 27 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#63] 27 Apr 2006

Any Gobi Gred guy will run lots off, unless you are a Cornhusker !!!!

An inside to Hula

EDITED: 27 Apr 2006 by MICK

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#65]
 27 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#62] 27 Apr 2006

I have two HP printers an older 952 and an Officejet 7140xi. On the 952 the ink has the print head, on the 7140 they are separate cartridges. I always assumed it separated them because it's a bigger more robust unit rated for higher use. (I guess it also generates more income for HP for sale of disposables.) All in one is more compact and fewer pieces/simpler manufacture.

From: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#66]
 27 Apr 2006
To: Mick [#64] 28 Apr 2006

NU is gonna kick your butt this year Mick....Hope you don't run away over this. [;)

From: Mick [#67]
 28 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#66] 28 Apr 2006

Are you delusional or talking tennis ???

From: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#68]
 28 Apr 2006
To: Mick [#67] 28 Apr 2006

Let the good times roll....again. The Corn-Doggies should be pretty good this year. First year some of Calahan's recruits have come through the new system....We'll see somewhere around October/November..

From: Mick [#69]
 28 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#68] 28 Apr 2006

$$$$$ or Mahi-Mahi vs. Elk Steak and how much you dreamer.

From: BratDawg [#70]
 28 Apr 2006
To: Mick [#69] 28 Apr 2006

Just don't let him bet Malasadas...you'll never collect! :-) 

From: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#71]
 28 Apr 2006
To: BratDawg [#70] 29 Apr 2006

OK, I owe Steve malasadas. I'll send some off next week, right along with the #3 submission of your SW CD Steve :-$ 

Mick, you're the dilusional one if you think the Buffs are up to beating the Shuskers next Fall. Got any players left after the sex scandals? I guess I should compliment the Golden Buffs on their choice of infraction. I'd rather see a bunch of 19 year olds fighting over PT than some other silly thing. So lets go Wild Game (yuck) vrs Fresh Opah this season. 5# each?



EDITED: 28 Apr 2006 by DGL

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#72]
 28 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#71] 29 Apr 2006


By definition, if there's a sex scandal, surely "players" had to be involved. B-) 

BTW, I took the liberty of replacing your text (blush) in your previous post, with an actual blush.

Hope you don't mind. :-$ 

EDITED: 28 Apr 2006 by DGL

From: UncleSteve [#73]
 29 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#72] 29 Apr 2006

if there's a sex scandal, surely "players" had to be involved

Are you inferring that it may have been the coach and staff or school administration that perpetrated the "crime" ? (devil) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74]
 29 Apr 2006
To: UncleSteve [#73] 29 Apr 2006


Player, in the sense of someone who "gets around.".

From: Mick [#75]
 29 Apr 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#71] 29 Apr 2006

I feel i will not have to worry about parting with 5# of Elk steaks. I heard the Huskers players were jealous that they weren't allowed the freedom that the Buffs had. Another advantage for us, Nebraska will refuse to bring their cheerleaders, looking out for their well-being.


Goba Fellows

EDITED: 29 Apr 2006 by MICK

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