Full Version: Paint Shop or Photopaint, Heart shape selection

From: Shaddy [#1]
 24 May 2006

I want to make a heart shaped selection within a drawing program. It's a wedding photo of the couple. I want the edges feathered is why I think it should be a selection within the photo programs, as opposed to a shape within CorelDRAW.

How do I do it?

I have both Photo Paint and Paint Shop Pro. (Side Note, I much prefer PSP, had it since Jasc owned it, version 4 or so, but that cut out tool in Paint is GREAT).


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2]
 24 May 2006
To: Shaddy [#1] 24 May 2006

If it is going to be on a white background it is simple. Bring it into/create it in Corel Paint, (the one I am familiar with). Magic wand the background. invert the mask. Go to 'Mask/Shape/Feather' and set the number of pixels of feathering and set it to either 'Outside' or 'Center'.

Save the drawing then import it into Draw.

If you need a color background feathered into the image, select the background, feather the image, and fill with the needed color. Then select the heart. Do NOT just invert the mask. Now feather the mask and save.

When saved as a CPT with a mask everything outside the mask is clear.

From: Shaddy [#3]
 24 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2] 24 May 2006

Sorry, but I'm still lacking something. I don't know how to make a heart shape in my rectangular photo.

Thanks for the masking info, as i will need that too. I'm good at the feathering with PSP, but I haven't used Paint much at all. The masking stuff is hard to get used to (different terminology and tools than i'm used to).


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
 24 May 2006
To: Shaddy [#3] 24 May 2006

All of the programs use different terminology, drives me nuts when I need to use another program. That is why I gave the paths specifically.

You can do the heart shape in Draw, fill it and save it. Then open that vector drawing in paint, it will convert to a bitmap to your specs. Then do the rest. I cannot do a shape in a paint program to save my life. I do have a few saved as PLT to bring into Draw as a shape when I need them, bummer to get to look right for me.

By the way, if you leave the background masked and save it using white for the outside, it can be used to crop a photo in Draw, including the feathered edge.

EDITED: 24 May 2006 by HARVEY-ONLY

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5]
 24 May 2006
To: Shaddy [#3] 24 May 2006

Go back and read the previous post. I edited it while you were reading it.

From: Shaddy [#6]
 24 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 24 May 2006

OK, I'm SLOWLY getting the hang of it. I had to make the heart pretty thick so the lines would show up well enough, but maybe it was the hi-res photo I'm working with.

Thanks for the 411/911, I'll post the results after I etch.

I still have a long ways to go before understanding how to manipulate the mask in paint. But I like enough of the features to keep trying to figure it out. I'll still use PSP for most photography things though.


From: Upacreek [#7]
 24 May 2006
To: Shaddy [#6] 24 May 2006

I'm a PSP fan. I have the other programs but find I rarely ever use them now.

PSP has a mask feature that is fairly easy to use once you get the hang of it. I keep my Layers Palette open all the time, so I added a toolbar button on the palette that allows me to "Load Mask from Disk."

Here's some quick and dirty steps for PSP 10.
Open your graphic.
Layers, Load/Save Mask, Load Mask from Disk.
A new window will open and in the upper left, you can select from various masks. (You may want to play with the various options to get a feel for it later.)
Select Load and the mask will be a new raster layer.
Notice the mask has selection handles and a rotate option. You can change the size of the mask or even move it to a better position.

Once you have the settings you like, when you save the file, it will flatten into one image unless you save it as a PSP file.

You might want to try playing the Picture Frames too. Similar concept, but it has a preview before you load the frame.

You can download various masks and frames from the web. The old versions of masks and frames continue to work with the latest version.

Here is an example of before and after with a heart mask loaded & moved to the upper right of the image.


From: Shaddy [#8]
 24 May 2006
To: Upacreek [#7] 24 May 2006

that's great, thanks. I found that the jasc site still has some downloads, i'll look into getting some masks.

I know I'll still be using PSP most of the time (old dog), but I'l also going to keep trying to learn paint, has some different features.

Thanks again guys, I'll post the finished product tomorrow (too sleepy today), didn't turn out as good as I wanted, I have trouble getting black skin to come out with detail on wood.


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