Full Version: Lasering on brass

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7]
 29 Jan 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#6] 29 Jan 2007

Being an EE, (Electrical Engineer not EngravingEtc), I feel foolish not thinking of that simple solution in other threads. Thanks for bringing it up.

From: smitty [#8]
 29 Jan 2007

I will try the oxidizing thing and see what it does. The volt meter is one I never would of thought of, cool idea! So if it does have a coated surface then this will be almost impossible to get dark lettering to appear, correct? Again thank you all for the help.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9]
 29 Jan 2007
To: smitty [#8] 29 Jan 2007

If the surface is lacquered, it will be impossible to darken the brass, unless the solution is particularly strong and the lacquer is thin enough to be eroded by the acid.

That would take prolonged exposure and the oxidizng solution would probably evaporate before it could do serious damage.

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#10]
 29 Jan 2007
To: smitty [#1] 29 Jan 2007

Without knowing what settings you are using, I would suggest a slow speed with a high power. Brass absorbs heat like a sponge so you have to make sure the power is high to make a mark. At least, that was the explanation I got when I tried brass. I'm certainly no scientist LOL.

From: smitty [#11]
 30 Jan 2007

Yep, it had a finish on it, but I got lucky and got the Cermark to lay on pretty good. I took Stunt Engravers suggestion and ran the laser across it first, then applied the Cermark and ran it again. They came out real nice. Thanks much!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#12]
 30 Jan 2007
To: smitty [#11] 30 Jan 2007

Always love to hear a success story Smitty. :-)


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