Full Version: Vegas pictures.... 2007

From: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#9]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#8] 25 Feb 2007

Nice job Becky, I nominate you the official photographer for the 2008 Beach Party.

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#10]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#9] 25 Feb 2007

Thanks Tom!!

I will happily assume that role again next year...
Now if only we can get Chuck and Lisa to be the 2008 party planners again!! 8-O


From: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#11]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#10] 25 Feb 2007

Absolutly, they make a great team and did such a good job putting this thing together.

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#12]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#1] 25 Feb 2007


Incredible job!!!

Janna took some pictures, too. I'll resize them (they're about 36" wide by default) and send them to you.

Thank you for the wonderful photography!



From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#13]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#8] 25 Feb 2007


I finally got to experience a small taste of the fun you all had at the Beach Party this year. I really enjoyed the photo tour. Thanks for archiving all of the activity. Now are you sure there were no photos held back to protect the innocent?

I recognized many of the faces from last year's pictures and was able to cheat a little bit on some of the others by maximizing them enough to read name badges.

I would have loved to have seen David's gracious response to the mini-plaque Harvey created. We talked about that plaque for a while. At one point we considered ceating a plaque that had every error that could possibly be done to a plaque. Just think of the possibilities.

Five different font styles.
Off-center engraving.
Bad spacing of text.
Engraved plate placed on crooked and upside down from keyhole slot on back.
Bad plate and plaque color combination.
Scratch on the plate.
Date with wrong year. (2006)
Wrong recepient name. (Something like Chuck Lavaneri)
Corner of plaque dented from shipping damage.
Epoxy doming spilling over the edge of the plaque.
etc., etc., etc...........

EDITED: 25 Feb 2007 by DATAKES

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#14]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#13] 25 Feb 2007

You know the beauty of David Levaneri?

He was thrilled with that "dinky" plaque. He was as gracious and kind about accepting that little screwball of a plaque as he was about receiving the beautiful shadowbox.

How he didn't at least giggle even a little bit is beyond me.

He's a good sport.

Or, he was severely sleep deprived and the plaque actually looked good to him... ;-)


From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#15]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#12] 25 Feb 2007

Thanks Cody!!

I received your pictures and will add them to the flickr account in the morning.

I haven't looked at all of them yet but the ones I did look at look great!!

Thanks for adding to our photo album and for your kind words.
Again, it was so great to see you and Janna again!!

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#13] 25 Feb 2007

I did get in a few without making it obvious.

The logo was a little off center.
I put Dave instead of David.
The paragraph spacing was poor.
I used the word 'Presented' three times in four paragraphs.
I was going to use the one plaque that had no hanging holes in it that I had, but a customer just had to have that one to use as a base for something.
There were minute dings of missing color, of course that was the top edge.
It was the cheap faux wood with straight laser engraving and no fill.

I figured that anything more would just be too obvious that it was intended to be really bad.

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#17]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#16] 25 Feb 2007

Great pics! Thanks very much.

From: UncleSteve [#18]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#13] 26 Feb 2007

Looks like they ALMOST made it to your spec..... just somebody forgot to add the scratch... (devil)

From: UncleSteve [#19]
 25 Feb 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16] 26 Feb 2007

And I thought you were going to make it different from your usual quality! I guess you can't beat consistancy!!! :P

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#20]
 25 Feb 2007

Ok ok...back to the party pictures....

I have added some pictures from Cody and Janna. They did a great job and got a lot of people that I hadn't.

Thanks guys!!



From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#21]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#14] 26 Feb 2007


Just goes to show it's not the award but the sentiment that people treasure.

Honestly, I would have been jut as honored by what was meant to be the "gag" plaque as the beautiful, one-of-a-kind award that the "conspirators" created.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#22]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#5] 26 Feb 2007


Thank you for posting the photos. I'm sure there will be more added as people get settled back into their regular lives.

You're setting a dangerous precident. You were so helpful, before, during and after the Vegas trip, that you may be saddled with a lifetime commitment. :-)

I've already told Chuck that he has a life sentence as our MC. :B

From: JHayes55 [#23]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#22] 26 Feb 2007

I've already told Chuck that he has a life sentence as our MC. :B

that is a life sentence for all of us (devil)

Seriously Chuck did a nice job. Even though he ran out of things to say (hard to imagine :> ) while Cody was waiting for a Guitar to arrive.

EDITED: 26 Feb 2007 by JHAYES55

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#24]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#22] 26 Feb 2007

Thank you for you kind words. It was my pleasure to help out in any way I could.

I don't think "saddled" would be the right word...honored would be more accurate. It is something I enjoyed very much and would be thrilled to participate year after year.

As for all of us enduring a life sentence with Chuck as our MC, I would happily "suffer" through that as well. He is funny and entertaining, quick witted and has a great ability to think on his feet. He would be a tough act for anyone else to follow.

From someone who personally loathes public speaking, I'm sure glad someone is willing to do it.

That was a good burn though Joe....


From: Barbara (RGILE) [#25]
 26 Feb 2007

Hi Everyone,
Welcome back. Thanks Becky and Cody for sharing those photo's. I know it's a lot of work, but there are so many faces that I don't know.
Maybe eventually you can add captions to the photo's so that those of us who were not there, can put names to faces.
I really enjoyed the photos, and looks like you all had a blast.
I am going to try and save money up for next year. (Maybe!!!!)

Anyway, Thanks for sharing them, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone in the future.

Did anyone get a video of Cody's singing and guitar playing?? Sure would love to see that also. (I'm not asking for much am I???)

Chuck, you looked like you were having a blast as MC.
and Dee I am waiting to see how your new camera works. ha

Bye for now,
Glad to have you all back.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#26]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#25] 26 Feb 2007


I'm sure video will be part of next year's party. It was a suggestion a few people made.

We're using that sea of pictures to select which ones we'll use for a home page slide show, with captions.

Even though we didn't get a "Class of 2007" picture this year, there's one shot of quite a few people at their tables, that will suffice.

Cody's song was great! I think it struck a chord (so to speak) with many of the people in the room.

I'd like to work with him in producing a polished version with more instruments etc.

The Chuckster was on fire as our MC. Very entertaining and he kept things moving at a good pace. I'm sure he made that job look much easier than it actually was.

We had a few Aussies at the party and I'm sure next year, when Peter Vasic comes, he'll bring more with him.

My prediction for next year is, as difficult as it is to imagine, an even better Beach Party.

From: Barbara (RGILE) [#27]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#26] 26 Feb 2007

I am looking forward the the photos with the captions. I loved Becky's but I didn't recognize a lot of the people. I did know some of them though.
Harvey, Dee, you, and Chuck.
Dee did offer captions on her photos, so now I have a face for Becky, Cody, and Joe.
Thanks for letting me know that I can expect more. I am sure there are a lot of us that will enjoy them.


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#28]
 26 Feb 2007
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#27] 26 Feb 2007


We'll have to add captions soon, while I still remember some of the names. :-)

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