Full Version: What new ideas or products did you get at Vegas

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#25]
 9 Mar 2007
To: Gary (GNELSON) [#24] 10 Mar 2007


As you've learned, if you are going to be in the promotional products business, you better know when the Chinese new year is and which suppliers have a backup Taiwanese manufacturer during that period.

EDITED: 9 Mar 2007 by DATAKES

From: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#26]
 9 Mar 2007

I was surprised at the size of the show. There were several suppliers that were absent and I thought the show was smaller than previous years. However, the Beach Party was a definite highlight!

I also liked seeing the new product in person. For instance, the new Victory items I thought were stunning in person but looked rather blah in the photos.

And what about Acryliprint? I think the setup charge will eliminate my customers who order 1 or 2 pieces, but it may be nice for bigger orders.

I can't see myself needing the Universal machine, and am very happy with my Trotec Speedy II, especially with the service I get from my chosen rep, John Bain (he's not the rep for my territory, but having used him in the past I go to him every time -- he is awesome!)

Did I already mention the Beach Party? It was great! I vote for Chuck to replace Letterman! Can I get a second?

From: Gary (GNELSON) [#27]
 10 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#25] 10 Mar 2007

I knew when it was, the first factory said they could have them done before the 3rd. It was an innovatory error they showed enough in the states to fill the order. Hey stuff happens. Why me all the time though?

EDITED: 10 Mar 2007 by GNELSON

From: logojohn [#28]
 10 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#25] 10 Mar 2007

you better know when the Chinese new year is and which suppliers have a backup Taiwanese manufacturer during that period

and it would help to know whether they even value your business.
We were having 300 of 2 styles of 16" trays and 2 12" tall bottle chillers marked in China.
Trays are all metal, one chiller is aluminum and one acrylic. 1200 pieces total.

A little over 2 weeks from the drop deadline for an important event and they just canceled because they got a million dollar order and couldn't be bothered with ours. I think we had used them before.

The customer likes our engraving on the silver trays and metal chiller and the laser engraving on the acrylic. The detailed logo done the normal way took 15-20 minutes. I can likely get it down to 5 or 6 minutes by connecting the hatch to the outline and rearranging the order.(the cutter ups and skipping around add a lot to the time.)

But now we have at least 100 - 150 hours to try and squeeze in with in the next 2-3 weeks.
urrrrr am I the only engraver that growls or is it an industry practice?

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#29]
 10 Mar 2007
To: logojohn [#28] 11 Mar 2007

I do not like it either when a supplier says 'screw you'.

Talk about not valuing you at all. Maybe you should place a 4.5 million order then tell them your boss just told you they canceled the last order so you are doing the same. Not true? Yes, but sweet revenge.

[Note to self: Stop taking those 'nasty' pills.]

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