Full Version: My First Laser- Epilog Mini-18

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#22]
 16 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#20] 17 Mar 2007


You're speaking my language, when you mention what I call the "regular guy" marketing approach, which basically consists of talking to people and letting them know what you do.

No real salesmanship involved, but many sales to be made. :-)

From: deLazer [#23]
 16 Mar 2007
To: JHayes55 [#21] 16 Mar 2007

I believe he said that he had been using CorelDraw since 8, implying that it has been awhile. I just related to it because that is the version that I started with. I have 10 -Is it advisable to purchase 12 or X3 or is 10 sufficient? Good luck to the other newbies.

EDITED: 17 Mar 2007 by DELAZER

From: JHayes55 [#24]
 16 Mar 2007
To: deLazer [#23] 17 Mar 2007

I really like X3 if I were going to spend money for an upgrade it would only be spent going up to X3. I see no good reason for upgrading to 12. Currently I have 9, 12 and X3. We use X3 for everything except one older computer that runs a vinyl machine. Once you use X3 a little while, you will wonder why you did not change earlier.
We think x3 is easier to do designs and layouts with, dozens of improvements over 12, and is more stable that most of the earlier versions.

EDITED: 17 Mar 2007 by JHAYES55

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#25]
 17 Mar 2007
To: JHayes55 [#21] 17 Mar 2007

No, I am running X3. I started out with what I believe was Version 8 years ago. (Hahaha..I'm a software junkie!)

From: JHayes55 [#26]
 17 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#25] 17 Mar 2007

Sorry, I didn't catch that :-$
Do you agree that X3 is superior the previous versions?

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#27]
 17 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#22] 17 Mar 2007

Yep, best way to do it. I'm an old hand at sales (by the way, I am a young 61 yr old guy) and have been selling something all my life. Most of my sales experience though has been related to building products and construction. Got into the sign business a few years ago as a natural tag on sale for millwork packages we sell and install to apartment and condo developments. Have been using PC's in my business since DOS was the operating system. First PC I ever owned was an IBM PC w/10 MEGABYTE harddrive. It cost $5000 in 1982? I think. Used big ole 5-1/2" floppy discs (bet some of you guys never even saw one of those!)
Anyhow, I can't wait to get my paws on this laser. I am glad I found this forum and also Sawmill Creek. I've learned a lot there too. The tutorials on Corel that Roy Brewer is putting out in both places are fantastic. Corel has done a fantastic job of development over the years and it just keeps getting better.
Thanks again :-)

EDITED: 17 Mar 2007 by PALMETTO

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#28]
 17 Mar 2007
To: JHayes55 [#26] 17 Mar 2007

Yes! It's the best one yet. I have 12 also and I didn't think a whole lot of it, but it served my purposes at the time. My main usage of it was to design signage in Corel for submission to the developer of a project. That way, I could make a good presentation with the color fills etc. Then once the approvals are done, we use the vector artwork to develop the tool paths for the CNC in the Enroute software.
Corel has also made a good many changes to Photopaint too. I actually never used that program a huge amount, as Photoshop was my primary tool for photo editing. I enjoy making photos and use a Nikon D70 for that stuff. I don't shoot film anymore at all. I'm looking forward to being able to laser photos. I bought Photograv yesterday, so maybe it will get here next week with the laser.

From: deLazer [#29]
 17 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#28] 17 Mar 2007

I remember those 5 1/2'' floppy discs Larry- they really were floppy ;-) . I'm glad that CorelDraw seems to be the standard for lasers. Corel and Casmate are the only graphics programs I am familiar with, and I shouldn't be totally lost when my machine arrives. I also bought Photograv and really think the photos are cool.

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#30]
 17 Mar 2007
To: deLazer [#29] 18 Mar 2007

I have to admit that I've had to polish up on Corel Draw in anticipation of my machine arriving (I got the tracking number via e-mail today). The creation of graphics so that they will print properly to raster or vector requires a little study and thought, but X3 is really good and I am enjoying working with it. So, it will be "show time" next week. I'm ready! :P

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#31]
 17 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#30] 18 Mar 2007

I still use 5 1/4" floppies on one of my machines, cannot upgrade that machine.

I started with magnetic cards, then 8" hard-sectored floppies, then went through the 'modern' improvements.

The first computer I worked with was a Burroughs 10. Discreet component processor with a grand total of 64 bytes memory. Talk about needing to conserve memory!

From: Bekarion [#32]
 18 Mar 2007
To: deLazer [#1] 18 Mar 2007

Conratulations with your new laser system.
It is really very good model. I have purchased it for my client and they are very satisfied.

Only thing is that you should be carefull while sending auto focus to very thin materials or to the table with only a cutting grid.

the table may jump out of screws and you will have to dissassamble the table to fix the problem. Anyway this will not be a problem :)

Good luck

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#33]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#31] 18 Mar 2007

Gosh, can you still buy that old floppy media? I figured that had faded into antiquity. We have 7 PCs here and I don't think a one of them has a floppy drive.

From: BobT [#34]
 18 Mar 2007

If anyone needs, or even just wants one, I still have a couple of hundred left. Why? I just haven't been able to force myself to throw them away. Seriously, if anyone wants some, just let me know.
I still have a couple of 8 inch floppys around here somewhere. Does that date me?
Those 8 inch floppys held an amazing 170K.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#35]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#33] 18 Mar 2007

I still have a few that work, very few. I had the top of the line disks that exceeded all specs. (I used to manage a disk duplicating department as well as being head of quality control.) I have thrown out about 300 that have failed already.

They are all getting so old that the surface of the oxide layer is starting to come off. They will not format. It is the main reason I am converting my Orbiter to the EP module. that module allows the machine to connect to a computer. (What a unique idea.)

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#36]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#35] 18 Mar 2007

I think that's whats happening to me..gettin so old my oxide layer is comin off..I'm diffucult to format also! :/

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#37]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#36] 18 Mar 2007

Are you a little floppy? :O

From: UncleSteve [#38]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#37] 18 Mar 2007

HEY! This is a FAMILY forum! :@
Sheesh! Members having to moderate an ex-moderator! What will happen next? :-&

(Stay tuned for our next episode... same time, same channel!) ;-)

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#39]
 18 Mar 2007
To: UncleSteve [#38] 18 Mar 2007

I just asked a technical question? :P

From: deLazer [#40]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Bekarion [#32] 18 Mar 2007

Thanks Bek, it should arrive in a few days.

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#41]
 18 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#37] 18 Mar 2007

No comment. :'-(

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