Full Version: Engraving Etc. Live!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#100]
 1 Mar 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#99] 2 Mar 2005


We'll make every effort to make the event, itself, as affordable as possible, but as you suggest, getting there by plane, lodging etc. will represent the "Chunky Monkey" for many, including myself.

When we return from Vegas, we'll need to tighten up the logistics. I'd like to move forward as quickly as possible, while allowing ample time for people to review their financial considerations and work schedules.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 1 Mar 2005 by DGL

From: aallen [#101]
 13 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#100] 13 May 2005

I am just checking, did a date ever get set on this?? Is is still a go? I am starting to plan out dates for the summer. Let me know if I missed something.



From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#102]
 13 May 2005
To: aallen [#101] 13 May 2005


I realize we haven't talked about the EE Live event for quite a while, and I've been trying to think of a response to your question, before it was asked.

The event itself is definitely a go. People, here, and from other forums have been looking forward to a Midwest event. The dates and logisitics haven't been set.

David Takes:

I have no idea what the weather in the midwest is like in the summer. I imagine hot and humid. Does it make sense to schedule the event at a time of year which would be more comfortable climate-wise?

After all, I'm hoping to squeeze a round of golf in while I'm there :-)

If hotel/motel rates are higher at "primetime" that would also be a consideration.

From: aallen [#103]
 13 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#102] 13 May 2005

Thanks for the reply. I was just wondering as I look forward to finally meeting some of you and learning as much as possible :) I learn better seeing and doing in person then reading.

Yes weather here is hot and humid, part of the time, but in kansas, the weather is always changing! That is part of Kansas, don't like the weather today, just wait, it will be different tomorrow! Like this week, from highs of 90's to highs of 60's, you never know!

Thanks, I look forward to more info when available.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#104]
 13 May 2005
To: aallen [#103] 13 May 2005


Nobody's looking forward to our first "Engraving Etc. Live!" event more than myself :-)

I've always said, "Ya Gotta Start Somewhere" and this kick-off event will mark the first of many to follow.

From: Peter [#105]
 13 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#104] 13 May 2005

Now gang,

You should consider Australia for the event.
You get $1.31 AU for every U.S. Dollar here,

Our Shielas are bonza, our beer is beaut, it even tastes better, drank from the back of a Ute.
Our sun is blazing, our winters real mild,
The outback though forbidding aint real wild,
The people are great , the features that's best,
In fact for only that fact ,you can forget the rest,
So come on over and stay for a while
If you come to Adelaide, we'll take you out in style. !


Best regards

Peter and Kathy

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#106]
 13 May 2005
To: Peter [#105] 14 May 2005


Don't count us out. I've never been, and I'm always looking for a "business" trip :-)

From: JHayes55 [#107]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#105] 14 May 2005

Peter & Kathy

I have a good friend who's daughter has spent her senior year in Australia.
She has live with 3 or 4 different families during her time over there - its
been an experience she won't soon forget. She heads home in a few weeks.
As far as us coming over for the get together --- I am game.
Now I do not know everything you said in your post - but I could guess about
a few of them - I have heard stories about true Aussie beer, the Ute thing
has me lost - (Utes here are a tribe of Native Americans - from the central
Colorado area) - "Our Shielas are bonza" - This one lost me.

But could we have shrimp on the barby (sp) ? :)

From: Peter [#108]
 14 May 2005
To: JHayes55 [#107] 14 May 2005

Ok Joe,

Ute is Australian for the vehicle you guys call a "pickup" not the Ford F100 or F250 size thing , but the sedan size one. They were actually invented by Ford Australia in the early 30's and were adopted by car maufacturers in the USA almost immediately.
Ute is shortened from the formal name "Utility" Utility because thats what they are, useful for many things.
Australians have a very dry sense of humour and a real knack of laughing at themselves, we certainly dont take life as seriously as so many other cultures.
The other thing we do, is Nickname everything and shorten the name of anyone or thing we know...

We unnerve many American executives that come here, because of our tendancy to be so relaxed and take the piss out of their seriousness.

If your last name is Robinson, noone would ever know as you would be nicknamed " Robbo"
or if you had red hair you'd be nicknamed "Blue" or "Bluey".

As for "Bonza Shielas", they are actually old Australian slang terms, no longer in general use, but recognized by all Aussies worldwide non the less.
Bonza means good, great, fabulous, gorgeous.
Shiela means, woman, Girl, Chick ..etc.

But these days if you said shiela , most would think you were a dork.

In Australia we always found that "Shrimp on a Barby " thing quite funny, as we never use the term "Shrimp" those things are known as "Prawns" in Australia, and we always say " throw another Prawn on the barbie", but after much market research the company responsible for those ads so long ago, found that the confusion and difficulty it would have created in the USA market was too much to cope with, so they went with the American terminology
" shrimp"

So when are you guys coming "Down Under"



From: JHayes55 [#109]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#108] 14 May 2005

Thanks for the great reply. I had a feeling the shrimp on the bary was an
American thing. I love to hear and understand other languages & slang.
I spent some time in the South Dakota area of the US and got to know a
few native americans (Lakota Sioux) - some of their slang is interesting.
I would have never guessed the Ute being a truck (southern red neck its
called your "rig") But drinkin' beer setting on the tail gate is a true
country boy pastime.

Best of all the - "Bonza Shielas" - -- Pick me up at the airport!!!
But please do not tell my wife :)

From: Peter [#110]
 14 May 2005
To: JHayes55 [#109] 14 May 2005

Aaaah sitting on the tailgate of a ute, pervin' on the shielas, whilst blowin the froth off a few coldies.....thats my idea of a great time with my cobbers.

( translation) Ohh golly gosh, Now thats peachy keen and real swell, sitting on the tailgate of the Rig, watching the chicks shake their booty and suckin down a few cold beers, with your buddies.



From: JHayes55 [#111]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#110] 14 May 2005

The -
Ohh golly gosh, Now thats peachy keen and real swell - is more
of a California way of saying it. Old rednecks like me would never use
golly gosh or peachy keen - Peach is what we eat in the late summer
and real swell is what happens to your foot when someone runs over it,
with a rig. :)
And to keep us on thread - I would still love to have a Engraving Etc. live
get together in the land down under.

Have a great day - I am off to work.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#112]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#108] 14 May 2005


From what you're saying, I doubt I'll be able to come to Australia.

Why? Because I'd be a serious flight risk! I may never come back to the U.S. :-)

From your description, I already qualify to be an honorary "Aussie." I have a built-in, dry sense of self-depricating humor, and "relaxed" doesn't describe my demeanor.

If I got any more relaxed, I'd be in a coma :-)

Oh, and prawns on the barby are delicious enough, but I'd have to move those to the side of the grill, in order to make room for the Australian lobster tails - The only way to go!

I've heard so many great stories from Americans who've traveled to Australia, telling how welcoming the Aussies are. A recurring one is when the Aussies, say to visitors, "Forget the expensive hotels etc. Just come over to our house and hang out."

Hmmm. "Engraving Etc. Down Under" I like the sound of that and it's a trip I'd like to make. As I said, don't count us out yet :-)

Joe Hayes might think it's a peachy idea :-)

EDITED: 14 May 2005 by DGL

From: Peter [#113]
 14 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#112] 14 May 2005

Lobster has claws, Australian critter is actually a Crayfish

Australian Christmas = Crayfish, Prawns, various other seafood, fine barossa Valley and Coonawarra wines, Beer...bit of a lay down then a ame of footy or backyard Cricket..

Crayfish always makes me think of Christmas. ( reverse seasons here )



From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#114]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#113] 15 May 2005

OK, Peter.

From the Christmas menu, I'd say that I'm an Aussie that happened to be born in the U.S. A few of my favorite things :-)

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#115]
 18 Jul 2005
To: Peter [#105] 4 Nov 2005

Why Peter,
We had no idea how poetic you were. It MUST be Kathy's influence.....
Now HERE is an idea..... Engraving Etc. LIVE, Hawaiian style..... the best of both worlds... AND it is centrally located for YOU Peter....
Not so expensive, and we could hold it on the beach....., well the after hours party anyway.
American Pacific Awards, would be happy to help host it.

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