Full Version: ARA get-together(s) - Where/When?

From: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#20]
 23 Feb 2005
To: sawdr73 [#19] 23 Feb 2005

There is no videoing allowed. The write up is pretty complete, with pix and such. I will have it posted on my website by the end of the week. As soon as I have an exact link, I will post here.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#21]
 23 Feb 2005
To: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#20] 23 Feb 2005


I can understand a policy of attendees not being allowed to videotape a presentation, but what about an ARA-produced video?

Has that ever been done?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: sawdr73 [#22]
 23 Feb 2005
To: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#20] 22 Oct 2005

Thanks Fred,
I look forward to seeing it. I had a glance at your website and your engraving machines look like they are made for working. I will log on and look closer at what you offer. Who knows, I might end up owning one of them :~).

Vital Signs (& Engraving--future)

From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#23]
 24 Feb 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 24 Feb 2005


And here I was, checking out hotels, car rentals and all and you go and spoil it. Reading your lead in post I discover I would not be welcome at THE EVENT!!!! I'm by far, no kid!

Sorry I'll not be there now...guess I'll just invest in another piece of equipment instead!


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#24]
 24 Feb 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#23] 25 Feb 2005

Sorry, Doug. I am as far away from a kid as you are. Verrrry far. But I will be there no matter what.

I am still a kid at heart and that's all that counts. Baaaa, Baaa.

(It may not be obvious, that was a kid bleating.)


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#25]
 24 Feb 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#23] 25 Feb 2005


I'm still deciding what I want to be when I grow up :-)

My hair-color says I'm over the hill, but my mind says there's plenty of mileage left on my odometer.

I'm all for you getting more equipment. Now that Sidmar has closed down, I may need your expertise in duplicating a product.

Still have some of the Sidmar stock left, but it won't last forever.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#26]
 25 Feb 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#25] 25 Feb 2005

David, no offense taken, was sorta looking for a way to say, "Sorry, I won't be there" but ya never know. I do have a room booked at the Hilton and a car reserved for the drive down...Tuesday is my "gotta make a decision" day.

A chance to meet with all the diversified characters at an alien bar is just so tempting. :-)


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#27]
 25 Feb 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#26] 25 Feb 2005


It's difficult to break away from work, in order to attend the show. Especially when you're a one-man-band. I should know.

Like many of us, I'm burning the candle at both ends, clearing a path to Las Vegas.

Would love to see you there, but fully understand if you can't attend.

Regardless, I have some ideas for new products that I'd like to discuss.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 25 Feb 2005 by DGL

From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#28]
 25 Feb 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#27] 25 Feb 2005

David, we will see, we will see. It really all comes down to how much shop time I can stand in the next 3 days.


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#29]
 28 Feb 2005
To: Rolf [#15] Unread

This will be my first ARA show as well. We should hook up. I'm staying at the Hilton also.

Chuck Burke

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#30]
 28 Feb 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#27] 28 Feb 2005


Part of your reply to Doug:

"It's difficult to break away from work, in order to attend the show. Especially when you're a one-man-band. I should know."

Makes perfect and understandable sense, but would it also be true that one cannot afford to miss a major show?
As an admitted newbie, one of the things I have heard over and over again is that attendance at trade shows and continuing education are essential to continued success in this industry.

Just more ramblings found on a day trip through my head.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and everyone else here, there.

Nameless Awards INC.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#31]
 28 Feb 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#30] 28 Feb 2005


It's true. I recommend attending at least one show a year. ARA Las Vegas happens to be the annual trip to "Mecca" for our industry.

Another reason to attend trade shows, is to directly addresss your concerns to suppliers.

Whether they like it or not, they need your feedback.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#32]
 28 Feb 2005


The time is coming near when all will be traveling to the warm confines of the Las Vegas Convention Center. I will be spending tonight making sure I have gathered enough clean crying towels to get me through the week.

Seriously, I hope you all have a great time, get some great buys, see plenty of new products, learn more than your brain can retain, and most of all, enjoy creating new friendships and resparking the old. I'll be there in spirit.

When you get back, I expect you to share the news, good and bad. A few good pictures to rub-it-in might not be too painful either.

EDITED: 28 Feb 2005 by DATAKES

From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#33]
 28 Feb 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#30] 1 Mar 2005

Chuck...there is no doubt in my mind that IF I was in the business of engraving, sublimation, or awards directly...I would be there attending as many seminars as I could get to.

Since I'm a vendor, my main purpose of attending would be to walk the floor and see what it is you folks are buying, from whom...and of course to meet with ya'll at Quark's.

Unfortuanately, my order book is full enough this week with must haves, that I'm not going to make the trip. 5 days away from the shop is just more than I can handle this time.

I trust that you will all have an enjoyable and educational time...if anyone finds a spare laser engraver layng around unclaimed...put my name on it! Love to play with what you guys get to play with!


From: JHayes55 [#34]
 28 Feb 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#33] 28 Feb 2005

Darn it Doug - we were looking forward to seeing you again. But we understand.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#35]
 1 Mar 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#32] 1 Mar 2005

I am really sorry you will not be able to attend, but I admire you for your reasons why.
I was really looking forward to meeting you, but it will have to wait for another time.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#36]
 1 Mar 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#35] 1 Mar 2005


Good things come to those who wait. I know that will be the case for me.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#37]
 1 Mar 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#36] 1 Mar 2005

Thanks. Me too.

From: Rose (RSLIEPKA) [#38]
 1 Mar 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#37] 3 Mar 2005

Hope you guys don't mind if I slip this in here so the ARA members will see this.
For those going to the ARA show, Burlane will have the information about the dog tag project. in their booth. If you have been meaning to make a donation but haven't been able to get around to it, you can stop by their booth and do it there. They have been nice enough to agree to help us out.
We have passed 55,000 shipped. Also, the original Marine who was the inspiration who sent the band aids and sun screen to his kids went back to Iraq last week after being home only since late September.

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