Full Version: Search for IPI material

From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#9]
 29 Jul 2004
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8] 29 Jul 2004

Hi David - I did a lot of business with Laminated - loved them and haven't found a comparible supplier yet since they closed down. They closed because the owner had a heart attack and he was older and finally decided to close the business after a lot of thought. It wasn't due to small mins, that's for sure. They were very good business people.
They gave me the name of another supplier that I won't name here, that they thought followed the same type of practices, but the knowledge base just wasn't there about materials. If I called Laminated and explained what I was trying to accomplish with a project, they then knew their material well enough to be able to recommend what would give me the results I was looking for. If they had nothing, they would tell me that. To me, their closing was a big loss of industry knowledge.
To my knowledge, based on what I've been told in the past, Romark and almost all the plastic suppliers have a 6 full sheet minimum for custom colors. Why they put certain colors on the color chart for us and our clients to choose from, and then we find out they are custom (like the one I'm looking for), is a mystery to me.
Got to get back to work - we're swamped!

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