Full Version: Would you attend a clinic/seminar on a holiday (eg, Labor Day)?

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#20]
 20 Jun 2005
To: Shaddy [#15] 20 Jun 2005

How are things in the Pacific Northwet?
Anyway, you said "For me, I voted that I'd do it, because Lasering is more of a hobby for me... I have a non-related full time job. If you were to ask about training for my full time job on a holidy, I would have said I wouldn't want to do it. Lasering is what I do on my time off anyway, so on a holidy would be OK."
What if it were your own business as opposed to a fulltime "job"? Would that make a difference?

From: Shaddy [#21]
 20 Jun 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#20] 20 Jun 2005

Things are warm and wet here, basically, just like normal. Had a lightning strike almost hit my house, it scared the heck out of me. I felt the thunder rumble in my tummy it was so close.

Yes, it would make a difference. Although I love what I do, and I'm very happy with who my coworkers and boss are, it's just a job. Well, a career, that's above a job. But I wouldn't let it consume my life. I keep it sep from that.

But if I owned my own business for a full time job, it would probably blur the boundry a bit between personal life and job. I would have a vested interest in seeing it succeed, and it would appear that the more time and effort I put into it, the better the payoff would be, therefore the more successful the business.

But you have to carry that farther, how much extra time would be involved to make it successful. There are so many variables, locations, startup money available, cost, availability of supplies. Some people just to make a fair return have to spend a lot more time than others. Where do you draw the line? Do you work extra hard the first couple years then try and cost for a bit? When would you know that it was too much? You have to put a cost on your loss of family and personal time. Sometimes you just have to draw a line. Yes, I'd give up memorial day, maybe even the 4th, because it's not a family celebrated day, really. but no, I wouldn't give up christmas, thanksgiving... I even take vacation days on my girlfriends b-day. (well, when I had a girlfrind I did)

Wow, that's a lot of words. Sorry. But I think I'm close to the point of the thread. Even with your own business you have to draw a line with your personal time. People just draw it in different places depending on their current circumstances. Look at it this way, if you hired a neighborhood kid to help out, would you expect hi,/her to attend the training on a holiday?

Sounds like I'm arguing, but it looks like I agree with you. I'm just expounding.

I'd better stop talking now before they move my post to the Ramble folder.


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#22]
 20 Jun 2005
To: Shaddy [#21] 20 Jun 2005

Hey Shaddy,

Yes it does sound like we do agree.
As a business owner, no, I would probably not EXPECT an employee to give up a holiday ( a major one anyway ) to go to a training session, because I oh so believe in family first, ( even though my "family" is just my wife and myself and our dalmation Tasha), however as the owner of the business, I think it is required by the position, to do what it takes to nurture and grow the business, even if it means going to a seminar/show on a holiday.
As to where do you draw the line between quality free time with family/friends, I agree with you that it is an individual choice with different thresholds for all, but I believe MOST people that are not anal or obssesive compulsive know when that point arrives and act accordingly.
Anyway Shaddy, I'll see you in the "Ramblings" folder. ( insert laugh here)

From: jbrewer (JEANETTEBREWER) [#23]
 21 Jun 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#19] 11 Jul 2005

>>I have a hunch Daddy already knows about it..... but I am sure I am not the only one wondering just exactly what the "bet" is.<<


Well, as usual, Daddy was right. He was in NewMexico on Friday before Memorial Day; he had an early AM appointment in El Paso on Tuesday after Memorial Day.

He called me (in the middle of my Memorial Day celebrations -- ie, cleaning house) and said, "We missed a great opportunity! We should have scheduled a Corel clinic in El Paso on Memorial Day since I'm here anyway."

I asked him if he really thought that would work since most folks would probably prefer to enjoy the holiday rather than attend a clinic. He said he thought we could probably sell out a small meeting room in such an exotic location (I guess it's been too long since my last trip to El Paso - I didn't remember "exotic") and suggested that I start working on something for Labor Day.

Never fear -- as long as we keep this poll (and these messages) a secret, I'll be able to tell him that I'm putting together a seminar for the Labor Day holiday & he'll say, "That's a great idea! I've been thinking we should probably do something like that." I'll let him think it was my idea ...

[Wow! I think that's my longest post ever. I'd better get back to work -- I have a clinic to plan!]

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#24]
 21 Jun 2005
To: jbrewer (JEANETTEBREWER) [#23] 22 Jun 2005


Memorial Day or Labor Day clinics are events that I am most likely to attend, over those held on a run-of-the-mill weekday or weekend. It works best for me because it provides me Sunday (the only day we are closed) to travel to the "exotic" destination.

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