Full Version: Need 11/64th collet for cutter grinder

From: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#17]
 17 Nov 2005
To: Jim (PUZZLEHEAD) [#16] 17 Nov 2005

I am not a big on fishing. But thats just me. Now if there is cold beer on this fishing trip I'm in. Appreciate the offer on stopping by. I did read a thread about someone learning to use the sharpener. Looks like there is a learning curve but once you get it, its not to bad.

I understand your point, and I think the others here are on the same thinking path as you. But, I do think this would sit for a while and I could really use that money for other things right now. That is why I have kept an eye on ebay, sharpeners come up regularly. I really should have waited and not bought this one but kinda got caught up in getting one right now.

In fact I bought my newing hall NH 300 off of ebay. I got a good deal on it too. What did people do before ebay?

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18]
 17 Nov 2005
To: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#14] 17 Nov 2005


I'm with Jim on this one.

Naturally, you're free to do what you want with your cutter grinder, but I'd suggest hanging onto it and learning how to use it.

You may not do much rotary engraving now, but why limit your offerings to diamond drag?

Before I had my own grinder, I would send cutters out, with mixed results. If a cutter weren't performing properly, I was dead-in-the-water.

Everyone should have a niche.

With the increasing trend toward lasers, those with diamond-drag capability are becoming scarce. Those with drag and rotary capability, even more scarce.

I'm not saying there isn't good money in following the crowd, but there are even more lucrative avenues away from the mainstream.

Edit: I read your post to Jim. As you say, you could use the money now and there are more where that came from.

EDITED: 17 Nov 2005 by DGL

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