Full Version: A very HAPPY customer

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1]
 23 Feb 2006

A local University called yesterday asking if I could engrave a stainless frying pan. I'm game, so I said sure. When they brought it we talked about different options because she wanted to cover the 3" logo on the pan bottom.

Here is what I came up with....emailed their logo to Pete B. and he rushed it for me even though I didn't get customer approval as time was a factor. I figured I would be able to use their logo in the future on other stuff.

I used mirrored acrylic and painted it black.

She was THRILLED. Just before she got here I had engraved the logo in a piece of cherry and she was even more thrilled about that. She wants a list of all the things I do and will hand them out to all department heads at the college.

The lines you see are the ceiling, I figured it was the best way to minimize reflections.


From: William Desrochers (DRAKESIS) [#2]
 23 Feb 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1] 23 Feb 2006

Wow, it turned out nice and crisp black!

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3]
 23 Feb 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1] 24 Feb 2006

How did you adhere the acrylic to the pan?

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#4]
 24 Feb 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3] 24 Feb 2006


I tested a tough trophy tape with a foam tape and the trophy tape won out. The job was so hurried that there wasn't much thought that went into the process. The customer was satisfied even though I told her the tape may separate over time because of the not so smooth finish.

This is an engineering college so someone will come up with something if they run into trouble.

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