Full Version: Member Badges Going Fast!

From: Zonas [#4]
 3 Apr 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#3] 3 Apr 2006

I want you to know I practiced and practiced that secret handshake and was disappointed I didn't get to 'do it' in Vegas. (devil) 


From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#5]
 3 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 3 Apr 2006

Gee, how soon you forget! :-)  Anyway, if I am fortune enought to be one of the 'chosen ones' re-put me on the list. Thanks

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
 3 Apr 2006
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#5] 4 Apr 2006


Ooops! You were one of the fortunate recipients. I may still have your mailing address, but given the fact, I forgot you were on the list, you may want to email it to me again. :-) 

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#7]
 4 Apr 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#3] 4 Apr 2006

Badges are not needed for admittance to meetings, but the secret handshake that you were given when you signed up for this forum is required.

Don't forget about the secret sign (three cartwheels) and the secret greeting ("Hooty Hooo").


From: John (ICTJOHN) [#8]
 4 Apr 2006
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#7] 4 Apr 2006

Don't forget about the secret sign (three cartwheels) and the secret greeting ("Hooty Hooo").

I didn't think that subject was allowed to be talked about on a public forum - cuz then EVEYBODY would want to join EngravingEtc and get "edumacated"! just like Jethro Bodine of the Beverly Hillbillies-

ps: What's really funny is, spellchecker did not have a problem with that word in quotes :S !

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9]
 4 Apr 2006

So far, I'm sending badges to Russ Warrick, John Montgomery and Jim Kennedy.

I think Brian Conklin was on the original list of proud recipients. :-) 

Other than that, I have a few left, for anyone else who would like a 2006 commemorative badge.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#10]
 4 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9] 4 Apr 2006

I'm interested in a badge.
I just sent an email as per your previous directions.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#11]
 4 Apr 2006
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#10] 5 Apr 2006


Mailing label is already printed. :-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#12]
 10 Apr 2006

I've lost my bearings. I sent 5 badges out, which I hope their lucky owners have already received.

There was another email request, but I forgot to flag the message and I can't remember who the person was.

If you're that person, please refresh my memory.

Otherwise, I have a handful of badges left, for anyone else who may want one.

From: UncleSteve [#13]
 11 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#12] 11 Apr 2006


Got mine! Thank you. Looks great!

Now to be there next year to get one in person! B-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#14]
 11 Apr 2006
To: UncleSteve [#13] 12 Apr 2006


Be careful! We may hold you to that comment. :-) 

I was happy to send the badge and have a few more left, for the fortunate few. :P 

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#15]
 11 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#12] 11 Apr 2006


I already received one of the ones you already sent out. :-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#16]
 11 Apr 2006
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#15] 11 Apr 2006


Thanks for the update. Treasure it. :-) 

I don't know what next year's badge will be. As the 2007 ARA Las Vegas Show draws near, we'll have to put the job up for another free bid. :-) 

I really do appreciate the time and effort, Epilog put into making a very distinctive and impressive badge for our group.

From: Russ (MEATSHAKE) [#17]
 11 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#16] 12 Apr 2006

I got mine on Monday. Busy getting ducks in a row to move the business out of the apartment.

Thanks David!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18]
 12 Apr 2006
To: Russ (MEATSHAKE) [#17] 13 Apr 2006

Good luck Russ.

The move may be a little daunting, but I know you have what it takes, to be a success.

If you ever doubt that, look at your EE badge and know that it represents an amazing support group, of caring people.

All the best,

EDITED: 12 Apr 2006 by DGL

From: JimK (JUSTTHE4OFUS) [#19]
 13 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18] 13 Apr 2006


Got my badge yesterday. Very nice! Or as my sons say, sweet! It's an honor and a privelege to be associated with this group, by far the best forum on the web, and the best moderators/administrators!


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#20]
 13 Apr 2006
To: JimK (JUSTTHE4OFUS) [#19] 13 Apr 2006


Happy to know your sweet badge got to you.

It's an honor and a privelege to be associated with this group, by far the best forum on the web, and the best moderators/administrators!

We won't take you to task on that comment. Not in an argumentative mood today. :P 

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