Full Version: Internet business traps

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#1]
 1 Oct 2004

I had a nice conversation with the salesperson as I applied for my Merchant Services account. Being new to this, I was concerned about charge backs.

He told a story of a company that sold "made to order" items over the web. A customer changed his mind after the order was placed/manufactured. The company's web site had a page describing their policies. It stated, due to the custom nature all sales are final. The company lost. He said the company would have won if the sales form had something the customer had to do/select to confirm he read and understood the terms/policy.

I read that anti-spam laws require a company's address on advertising emails.

Do you have any stories or information to pass on?

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#2]
 3 Oct 2004
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#1] 4 Oct 2004

We have taken charges for 20 years and have had no charge backs although we deal with our customers face to face. I have a friend who just went through a bizarre charge back issue. She had a customer come in and special order an item. When the item came in my friend called the customer at home. The customer picked up her order and paid with her credit card. 2 months later the credit card co. notified her that the charge was being disputed because the customer insisted that she had never purchased anything from this store. She submitted her copy of the original order with the phone # on it, a copy of the phone book showing the customer's name with that number and a copy of the signed credit card receipt. The credit card co. sided with the customer. My friend is looking into appealing.


From: UncleSteve [#3]
 4 Oct 2004
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#2] 4 Oct 2004

Has small claims court been "mentioned" to the customer along with fraud charges?

Sometimes you have to hit the mule with a 2x4 to get their attention.

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#4]
 4 Oct 2004
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#2] 4 Oct 2004

There's something more to this. Did your friend miss the time frame to respond? If they have a signed credit card receipt and the sign's match, that shouldn't happen.


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