Full Version: User Names

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
 22 Apr 2006
To: spudislander (WILLM) [#12] 26 Apr 2006


I'm sorry to hear that you're the "Poster Boy" for forum backlash. >.< 

I would think there's less chance of backlash, if a person posts under their own name; especially if they're publicly vocal about the backlash to their post(s).

Getting everything out in the open, can be a deterent to backlash.

EDITED: 22 Apr 2006 by DGL

From: spudislander (WILLM) [#14]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13] 26 Apr 2006

Hi David,

I'm not trying to make this about my personal experience - it's water long passed under the bridge. It wasn't public (forum) backlash that affected me. It was the private/commercial response from certain trade suppliers that affected me to a certain degree. It made me question my participation in forums. I don't think there is a simple answer nor do I expect one. The only point I am attempting to make is - there can be serious ramifications and consequences to public posts regarding suppliers.

I post questioning the claims and sales hype of a product from a specific supplier. That supplier takes offense to my open (skeptical) questioning of their product and as a result will no longer SELL to me other products that I have come to rely on from them as a sole supplier of those products.

What is my next course of action?
-Bring their actions to light on the forum?
-Withdraw my original posting and kiss up?

It is a situation that is regrettable with no easy solution.

So to avoid the above situation (or something similar) I can completely understand why the original poster in this thread wished to remain anonymous while recanting their experiences to the rest of us. I would prefer to hear from an anonymous source than to not hear at all.



EDITED: 26 Apr 2006 by WILLM

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15]
 26 Apr 2006
To: spudislander (WILLM) [#14] 27 Apr 2006


I agree that hearing a person's experience, albeit anonymously, is better than not hearing it at all, although, as a forum host, I have to uphold our policy of only allowing first-hand, factual accounts, in the event of a dispute between members.

In this instance, there was no dispute; just a personal opinion, that was upheld by another forum member, who wasn't taking sides; just adding his own opinion, under his actual name.

Putting myself in your shoes, I think, by now, you know how I would have reacted to a supplier exacting revenge for a comment I made on the forum.

Firstly, I would have never posted anonymously.

Secondly, I would have brought the "retaliation" to the attention of the forum members, allowing them to decide for themselves, if they'd want to do business with such a highly-vindictive source.

The outcome may have been the same, but I would have gone down fighting, with the distinct possibility of letting the offended supplier, put themselves in a bad light.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15] 26 Apr 2006

The other alternative is to have the real names go into a protectd database that only the moderators have access to. That will protect the individual posting, and have a communication line available to the moderators if something seems strange.


From: basehorawards [#17]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16] 26 Apr 2006

That seems like a reasonable compromise to me.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16] 26 Apr 2006


That's exactly what I have in mind, as part of the signup procedure for our subscription site.

Users will be allowed to use whatever screen name they please, but the admin. will have actual names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, which won't be passed along to third parties.

Nothing more than would be asked in a subscription to a trade magazine or in signing up for a trade show.

From: bluepaw [#19]
 26 Apr 2006

I don't have a problem giving my real name but I have learned my lesson on this forum. I no longer make any statement that might be considered the slightest bit controversial.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#20]
 26 Apr 2006
To: bluepaw [#19] 26 Apr 2006


I haven't learned that lesson yet. :-) 

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#21]
 26 Apr 2006
To: bluepaw [#19] 26 Apr 2006

Controversial statements start people thinking, please do not stop. It would become awfully boring without thinking.

 26 Apr 2006
To: bluepaw [#19] 26 Apr 2006

I totaly dissagree!!!!!






Just havin fun with ya......

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#23]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18] 26 Apr 2006

Nothing more than would be asked in a subscription to a trade magazine

A funny side note about real names and trade magazines. Back in 1991 I placed an ad in a video equipment trade magazine and my brother dicided to test out the literature request. He filled in the "bingo card" (you know, the little card with lots of numbers for all the ads in a magazine) and gave his name as Sopan Aropa (get it? Soap-on-a-rope). He received our literature just fine, and since we didn't do mailing lists that should have been the end of it.

But apparently the magazine added his name to their mailing lists, because 15 years later "Sopan" is now receiving half a dozen free trade magazines and an average of 10 brochures a month. :O 

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#24]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#23] 26 Apr 2006

We guarantee that it will not happen here!

From: bluepaw [#25]
 26 Apr 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#22] 26 Apr 2006

Ok, I will continue to be controversial.

 26 Apr 2006
To: bluepaw [#25] 26 Apr 2006


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#27]
 26 Apr 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#23] 26 Apr 2006


I'm sure that's a common occurence. Love the story. :-) 

As Harvey said, any personal information, included in our subscription process, will absolutely not be sold, rented, passed along to third parties, in any way.

I won't be a party to that practice.

EDITED: 26 Apr 2006 by DGL

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