Full Version: PhotoBrasive Use

From: Bob (BOBBELT) [#1]
 1 May 2006

A question for all that use PhotoBrasive laser tape. I have been using it for a little while now and like how it holds up to sand blasting. However I always seem to have a fight on my hands when applying the resist (removing the clear cover) and cleanup after blasting. I was curious how others are dealing with this mask, how you apply it it smoothly to curved sufaces such as bottles and getting rid of the air bubbles, and in general how you use Photbrasives laser tape.

From: precisionlaser [#2]
 1 May 2006
To: Bob (BOBBELT) [#1] 1 May 2006

My little "trick" with both the LaserTape and the RapidMask is to lightly spray a little water on the mask before applying it. Then you can move it around, get it straight and then squeegee it down...works like a charm.


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