Full Version: Corel's got me 2

From: bobkat [#5]
 18 Jul 2006
To: laserman (MIKEMAC) [#4] 18 Jul 2006

That sounds familiar......

From: sprinter [#6]
 18 Jul 2006

If you use Corel alot, you would be doing youself a BIG favor by getting this: http://oberonplace.com/products/curveworks/

To close any open paths, just select all and hit the close path button and it's done.

Best 50 bucks I ever spent for an add-on. It also is great for rounding corners, fillets, etc

EDITED: 18 Jul 2006 by SPRINTER

From: (Brian) (MOSTLY_HERE) [#7]
 18 Jul 2006
To: jdmlaser [#1] 27 Jul 2006

One of the new features in X3 is the smart fill tool. I took your file and using the smart fill, filled the area. The smart fill will create a new object that is a filled entity. I've found it to be very handy. You can set the fill color and line width of the smart fill tool as well.

From: jdmlaser [#8]
 27 Jul 2006

I am very sorry I lost what little of my mind I had left. I read all the answers went back to my pc and started working on what I had learned and forgot to thank all of you for the help

sorry again


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