Full Version: Accessing cell phone images

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#8]
 5 Aug 2006
To: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#7] 5 Aug 2006

I came across the Howard forums a few weeks ago when searching for the same info as you for my Razr phone. It seems Verizon does disable a lot of features on most phones so they can charge extra to use them, but the folks at that forum seem to have figured out how to re-enable most of them. You just need to be careful. For the Razr there are methods to back up all of the settings befoere hacking them so you can get back to original if you need to.

From: Mike (BIGPIXEL) [#9]
 8 Aug 2006

Aloha boys and girls.

The $40 kit I got from Cellular Blowout works great with my Verizon LG phone. The pkg lists many other compatible phones.

Here's the link for anyone interested:

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