Full Version: Tracing

From: varn (VARNCO) [#1]
 24 Aug 2006

I have x13, and love its tracing feature.

One thing that irks me though, is when I trace a logo or graphic that has detail to it, corel seems to trace certain areas more than once - layers if you will, of the same path.

I have to then, break apart the image, select the outlines, and delete one layer (but, some outlines only have 1 layer). This is time consuming.

Not sure if I'm explaining it correctly... but any advice?


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#2]
 24 Aug 2006
To: varn (VARNCO) [#1] 24 Aug 2006


I know exactly what you are talking about. It helps to identify the areas that are layered by changing your view to wireframe.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#3]
 24 Aug 2006
To: varn (VARNCO) [#1] 24 Aug 2006

I do that also. It is the intent of Corel to create a vector file with color fills to recreate the bitmap, but in vector. In order to fill an area with color it must be a closed object. So a red circle with a white circle inside it will have a red donut and a white circle, both with outlines. Same as an EPS file.

It takes a program specifically written for engraving to make a file that does not have those extra objects.

From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#4]
 24 Aug 2006

Its cos you are not limiting the colours , change the no of colours to suit the logo , like if its a red and blue logo , change the colours to rgb or cmyk and limit the no of colours to 2 or 3 (white areas count as a colour) , same can be done with black and white.
If you dont it will see pixelated outlines of the bitmap as a slightly different colour to the object and you will have a trace of the object and the "fuzzy" outline.

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