Full Version: contour problem

From: aallen [#1]
 31 Aug 2006


Well, I hope someone can help, I have spent hours on this and still cannot get it to work. The screen shows what I want, but when I print OR laser, it does not work, part of the outline is missing.

Is there any other way to contour text? Maybe one of those will work.

For info, this is what I am working with...

brush script text, "Cats" I have it at 39.113% rotation with 172.4 text size and outline set at 2.pts.

Anyone have any ideas? I have tried many things, but I am not a wiz at Corel as much as most of you on here! :S 



From: Mike (MIKEN) [#2]
 31 Aug 2006
To: aallen [#1] 31 Aug 2006


Again, no expert here but when you work with scripts they do not connect together perfectly. If you enlarge Cats you'll see the connecting points and their overlap.

I suspect that it's this overlap that's causing your problem. I can suggest a work around but it may not be the best one.

1. delete the outline
2. convert Cats to curves and break apart, note that you will have to create the holes again in the a and the s later.
3. select all and weld
4. outline all
5. from copies of the a and s convert to curves and pick up the "holes in the a and s and outline them and put them in place.

There's probably a much easier way to do this but this should work for now.

From: aallen [#3]
 31 Aug 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#2] 31 Aug 2006


Thanks for the fast answer! I will go try it right now! Will let you know. :-) 



From: Mike (MIKEN) [#4]
 31 Aug 2006
To: aallen [#3] 31 Aug 2006

I hope it works for you. It's a lot easier to write than to do I'm afraid.

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