Full Version: Pun Zone 1

From: UncleSteve [#19]
 17 Oct 2006
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#18] 17 Oct 2006


It seems that Barnum had a problem at his famous museum of oddities.

The museum had become so popular that the patrons wouldn't leave and the building quickly filled to capacity. This prevented more patrons from helping to fill P.T.'s bank account.

Barnum thought for a bit, then had signs with arrows made-up saying "This way to the Great Egress". Sure enough, people followed the signs to a large set of doors over which read "The Great Egress".

Full of anticipation they went through the doors only to find themselves back out on the street.

Courtesy of: "Don Surber: Proud member of the Mainstream Media!
But never a part of the Drive By Media"


From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#20]
 17 Oct 2006
To: UncleSteve [#19] 17 Oct 2006

Thanks Uncle Steve. Have you met my family? Seems Barnum and I have a lot in common..I live with my own little collection of oddities....LOL
I'll have to try that "egress" trick

From: BratDawg [#21]
 17 Oct 2006
To: UncleSteve [#19] 18 Oct 2006

Few people know that Uncle Loren actually worked with Barnum on a new electric generator project. The boards inside were designed to look like the circular inner pattern of large woody perennial plants...

they called them "Tree Ring Circuits"....

...but I "egress"...... :-) 

Uncle Loren can't bring himself to go to theme parks anymore. The last ride he was on threw him out of the seat, and into the path of the oncoming car....which was rolling super fast on huge circular disks made of iron....

He survived, but ever since has had a fear of "ferrous wheels".... >.< 


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