Full Version: Ask Tropar for help

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#2]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#1] 10 Nov 2006


I understand where you are coming from, but if you are depending on your suppliers to do marketing for you, I'd say you need to re-evaluate your business model. I don't think I have ever received a referral from a supplier in all of my years of business.

To put a positive spin on this, I appreciate the fact that Troper referred the job and didn't take it in-house.

Tropar may just have a bad search structure to their database.

It's possible that you may have to do a certain volume of business with them to even be considered for referral. For all I know, you may be their biggest customer and blow this theory away. ;-) 

EDITED: 10 Nov 2006 by DATAKES

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#3]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#1] 10 Nov 2006

I agree with David, there are too many companies out there that would just do the work themselves. Be grateful Tropar isn't taking business away from you. They may not be referring to you but perhaps that is something to be worked out. Keep after them!

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#4]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#3] 10 Nov 2006

I use the Tropar catalog on my web site and it works well. I have never received a referral from them but I do get business from their catalog on my site.

The only referrals I have ever received from a supplier were from Johnson Plastics and that was quite a long time back.

Realistically, they probably get very few requests for referrals so it's not likely that they've automated their response system.

EDITED: 10 Nov 2006 by MIKEN

From: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#5]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#4] Unread

I agree with all of your posts.. but really we have delt with them for about 12 years... a few months ago.. i just wanted to see who were dealers in my area as if being a customer.. and i was honest with my address and town ... they came back so far away with dealers .. it didnt seem. right..

I guess i am being mad.. at the fact that.. even other shops close to me.. werent listed either.. and there tropar dealers.. ..

to only list one dealer.. and not even ourselves.. is to me a slap in the face.. in a way..

sorry... but Tropar is a good company.. I do like their products service is great.. but...

still makes me mad.. because I talked to the sales mgr about this issue.. about 7 months ago.. with the same problem..

sorry just venting.. most things dont bother me.. this one did.

From: UncleSteve [#6]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#5] 10 Nov 2006

Look on the bright side! If your customer goes to see the products, they are MUCH less likely to look at other engravers to buy from.

Also, how many people do you think ever heard of Tropar let alone go looking for them on their own? We still get questions here in the forum asking "who is Tropar?" and these are present and future engravers that don't know of them.

Just my opinion.......

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#5] 10 Nov 2006

Just venting here and having other members call in with their problems also may spur them on to devote some time to the problem. Even if nothing happens, it is a good thread.

Now what would happen with me? My billing address is in PA and my location is in NJ. I just received a shipment in PA that I think was supposed to go to NJ, still have to check that out. That multiplies the problem of where they would list me.

From: UncleSteve [#8]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7] 10 Nov 2006

They should list you in BOTH locations... What's the problem? Suppliers all list their multiple locations for us!

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#9]
 10 Nov 2006
To: UncleSteve [#8] 10 Nov 2006

And if we do not want to be listed in both locations? (devil) 

From: UncleSteve [#10]
 10 Nov 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#9] 10 Nov 2006

Then quitcherbitchin !!!!! (devil)  (devil) 

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