Full Version: Order cancelled, should I refund anything??

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#12]
 22 Dec 2006
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#8] 22 Dec 2006

I would want a little more info.

I would consider refunding my profit, especially if the person ordering the product did not collect the money from their customer. They could be out the entire amount. I would want to meet them part of the way.

Sage advice Jim.

From: Peter [#13]
 22 Dec 2006

Heres what I'd consider in the future.

a new order form/ contract, in duplicate. have it clearly printed and a section for signature.

Your order is a custom manufactured / printed item. As a result it incurs a non refundable and non returnable policy. you are now responsible for all unforseen circumstances, such as cancellation of order by your client, change of quantity and non payment by your client.
We will not under any circumstances re- nig on any portion of our agreemant with you. Therefore all payment will be due whether order is collected or not.
Our non refundable 50% deposit applies with this order the balance is due on receipt of invoice.


please sign here

Thank you for your custom and....have a nice day :B

Guess what, we have never had anyone not pay us as a result of a similar policy, including people that have told us there clients have changed quantities or cancelled orders etc...
And they still keep coming back... 8-O :-)

People know, they are not that dumb, if they appear to be, they are assuming you are actually the dumb one and are trying to take you for a ride...call their bluff...you will be respected for it in the long run...if you dont........well are you truly professional or are you just a shoot from the hip outfit ? :O) :B

Peter ;-)

From: Peter [#14]
 22 Dec 2006

A P.S.

Just so you know, we arent losing any custom to other Engravers as a result of our professional position, quite the opposite...

It really is refreshing for many customers/clients to be able to deal with the level of professionalism we offer, rather than a mealy mouthed, indecisive, unsure of own policy, easily manipulated two bit operation.
The end result is ....word of mouth spreads and you end up with what you sow.....Which for us is great to see, we've got fields of ripe quality wheat springing up...even in a drought !

Think about it and go with what you think is right..youve got to be comfortable with yourself..

We're just thankful we get the clients that want the level of professionalism we offer.

read my comments as you will B-)


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