Full Version: Paging Laserman

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1]
 18 Jan 2007

Hi Mike,

I am running a dinosaur Meistergram 1912.....Lately, when I do a number of tags I am getting helter skelter engraving. When I talked to Chris Dool at Grady Corp he thought it might be a corrupted file or the floppy I was running my jobs from. Since then, I have moved all jobs to the hard drive.

Today, I am running 30 push button tags. I have loaded all information and started the usual process of putting in a tag and hitting the start button (snooze).....On about the 5th tag the engraving went wild, it will start doing odd things like engraving lines or 0's in weird places. Lines that should be centered are left justified. Lines that have already been engraved will be covered by a line that should be somewhere else.

I am beginning to think it's not a corrupted file or bad floppy disk but not sure what might be causing this erratic behavior.


From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#2]
 18 Jan 2007
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#1] 18 Jan 2007


I think I've found the problem. Some of the tags require me to use the
F1 & B key to make a roman numeral 1. This is when the problems occur at this point. I have run other tags without the F1 key and things seem to be working fine. When I use the F1 key it engraves left justified without the roman numeral 1.

For instance, the 3rd line might read I00606LT. It will left justify and leave off the I and just engrave 00606LT.

I hope this makes some sort of sense...and what might cause the F1 key to make things difficult for me?


From: laserman (MIKEMAC) [#3]
 18 Jan 2007
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#2] 18 Jan 2007


If normal text works in any other layout, Then yes it sounds like the file has been corrupted or possibly the engraving program, or font.

It is easy enough to reload these programs (egmenu, fonts) however what I would recommend is first copy egmenu.exe back onto to the hard drive. Try tis first if the problem still exists then go to your font folder re-name the font you are using from RB.FON to RB.BAD then copy a new RB.fon into the font directory.

Do not just erase the font and copy it back on if the hard drive has a sector problem where that font is once you copy the font back onto the hard disk is overwrites in the same area. So just rename and leave the font where it is then copy a new one it will then place it into a different section on the hard disk.

If this does not work then you may have to redo the entire layout.

This might be an indication of a hard drive starting to give you some problems you may want to consider doing a backup.

One other thing that is very possible is the temp directory is getting full you should dump the temp directory contents maybe do a disk clean-up defrag etc. Do a backup first.

I have to go set-up for the ISS show in Long Beach Today and work the show tomorrow through Sunday so I won't be able to respond until Monday (possibly later today).

Let me know

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
 18 Jan 2007
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#2] 18 Jan 2007

Until someone who knows the answer posts, I'll give you a gut feeling. It appears that the program is interpreting that set of keystrokes one way for the screen, and thinking it is a left-justify command when sending it to the engraver.

Slim chance it may be a communications problem from the computer to the engraver. Power off, remove the cables between the computer and engraver and reattach them twice. That will clean all those contacts and has a faint chance of being successful.

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