Full Version: CorelDraw

From: MR C (MOSHE) [#1]
 20 Feb 2007

I have 2 questions In CorelDraw

1. how do I change the spacing between the text lines to have more space in between some fo the lines? Right now I ungroup the lines.

Is there a better way?

2. I am designing a island with leaves on it. I would like to draw a mishaped circle to take the shape of the group of leaves. I want it to look as if I took a rope(lasso) and roped it around the group.

Does anyone know how I can do this?

EDITED: 20 Feb 2007 by DGL

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#2]
 20 Feb 2007
To: MR C (MOSHE) [#1] 20 Feb 2007

1. Type your text, select text from the menu bar, select paragraph formatting, select spacing, select line and make your adjustments.

2. Make a circle, select it and hit control Q at the same time-this will make it a curve, take the shape tool and double click on the line to make a new node and move it to the shape you want. Add nodes whereever you need them.

From: MR C (MOSHE) [#3]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#2] 20 Feb 2007

1. When I do that I get the same amount of space between all the lines.
I dont want that I want to add space only to one or 2 lines

2. I wonder if there is an easier way for question #2

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#4]
 20 Feb 2007
To: MR C (MOSHE) [#3] 20 Feb 2007

1. I'm not aware of another way except to break them apart and position them seperately.

2. If you have a group ot items you can select all of them, go to effects on the menu bar and select, create boundary. That will outline everything in the drawing.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5]
 20 Feb 2007
To: MR C (MOSHE) [#3] 20 Feb 2007

If you want to increase the space between two specific lines it is easy.

Put in a carriage return, then type a letter. Highlight the letter and set it to an appropriate line height for the space, then set the fill color to white. (Sometimes a space will work instead of the letter, sometimes not.)

From: MR C (MOSHE) [#6]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 20 Feb 2007

Ingenius. I tried to play around with different size letters, but most often it would not work, making it white sounds like an excellent idea

From: Ron (WOODKING) [#7]
 21 Feb 2007
To: MR C (MOSHE) [#1] 22 Feb 2007

Hi Mr C
I've found the quickest way to increase the spacing is to select the text you want to adjust then select your shape tool. Small boxes will appear by each letter. Select the text you want to move (line/lines) and use your up/down key to move the text. Movement will be in incriments of your nudge setting. I have mine set at .01 which makes it easy to tap the arrow key and stop when the spacing is where I want it.
This method can also be used to kern between letters.

Recognition Unlimited

From: Joe (SMITTY61) [#8]
 22 Feb 2007
To: MR C (MOSHE) [#1] 22 Feb 2007

Exactly what Ron said. Use the shape tool and drag arrow to the right. Its called kerning or leading.

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