Full Version: The Laserists
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1]
3 Mar 2007
From: sirebral [#2]
4 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 4 Mar 2007
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#3]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#2] 4 Mar 2007
It's a very ambitious effort you've embarked upon. Obviously, you're very enthusiastic and devoted to the cause, which will make it seem like much less work. :-)
All the best,
From: sirebral [#4]
4 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#3] 4 Mar 2007
Thanks for the words of encouragement, it's a slow process, yet I'm excited about the growth thus far! Thanks for dropping in. BTW, I'm looking through the links section here to locate the link (not from the forum, yet from the directory) and can't seem to locate it. Your assistance would be appreciated as my links system has functionlity that works best if I have the reciprocal link location.
Thanks again,
Keith Madaras
From: sirebral [#5]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#4] 4 Mar 2007
Searched and searched, couldn't find it. So.. I went ahead and added it into the related communities. If it's a duplicate please feel free to remove the dupe.
Thanks again,
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#4] 4 Mar 2007
Sorry for the confusion. The "Links of Interest" is a pull down, located at the upper right-hand side of this page, which lists A&E industry-related forums that we're aware of.
Yours, being the newest, is found at the bottom of the list.
Thank you for adding your site to the related forums lisiting, in the "other" links section. It's a highly-underused feature of our forum.
From: sirebral [#7]
4 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6] 4 Mar 2007
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#7] 4 Mar 2007
I've registered at your site. I don't own a laser, although by being a fly on the wall, for many years, I've learned a lot.
I'm sure, with your expertise in that area, I'll learn even more.
From: sirebral [#9]
4 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8] 4 Mar 2007
Ahh, excellent, welcome to the site, try not to be too much of a fly on the wall, feel free to put in a quick intro in our aptly named "Introductions" forum!
Thanks again,
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#9] 4 Mar 2007
Even though you didn't take credit for the information, that was a very good post about how to test a plastic for PVC content.
I'll try not to be too much of a lurker. :-)
I expect your site to be very successful.
From: sirebral [#11]
4 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10] 4 Mar 2007
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#12]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#11] 4 Mar 2007
Interesting idea having a forum that combines engraving/cutting types of lasers with the theatrical/light show type of lasers. I haven't really given that type of laser application any thoughts for a long time.
I remember in 1971 playing with a little laser that had a small mirror mounted on rubber suspended in front of a small speaker. It made light patterns on the wall that changed with the music. It was being sold to night clubs around Europe at the time. It was about as powerful as today's typical laser pointer pen, but cost what seemed like a fortune back then.
From: sirebral [#13]
4 Mar 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#12] 4 Mar 2007
Yet to see if it's a successful idea. :P My reasoning, I work with lasers in both contexts, so it was only natural for me. Things have changed considerably in the display world as far as cost, you can build a nice full-scanning projector for under 5K. This being said, although I do shows professionally, I don't have the funds or clientele to make it a full time gig.
Our engraver (and EXT from Epilog), however, is already paying for itself after only 6 months since its purchase, with just a few clients. Not half bad! Niche markets seem to be the key to keeping that business alive and well, and thus far we've had pretty good luck.
The idea behind the forums was to bring more of a community feel to both industries. It's somewhat of a challenge as many folks tend to feel as if they discuss too much they're giving away their market advantage, I tend to lean towards the sharing of knowledge. There's actually a movement towards open-source businesses that is quite interesting, not sure if I'm 100% on board yet, but it's causing a lot of buzz, Google Adafruit, they're pioneering the idea of an open-source business model for laser engraving of various personal electronics.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#14]
4 Mar 2007
To: sirebral [#11] 4 Mar 2007
My limited psychic abilities are playing less a role, (in my prediction of your success), than my powers of observation.
You've put a lot of personal energy and personality into your site.
The fact that people know who you are, by name, can only bolster credibility.
You're not subscribing to a "Build it and they will come and contribute" method. People will come and contribute, although it's (my opinion) up to a forum host to keep the momentum alive.
Aside from that, the laser display aspect gives your site a unique and diverse aspect, which is also a crucial component.
Activity + diversity = A compelling site. :-)
Evidently, I'm not telling you anything you haven't already discovered.
Best of luck.
EDITED: 4 Mar 2007 by DGL