Full Version: Laser Exhaust Systems

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
 29 Mar 2007
To: Cindy (CINDYM) [#15] Unread

Your post made me shudder.

No the show area is neat in that respect, just too many products per shelf.

That seems to be the key.

From: Nick (NICKIONPOE) [#17]
 3 Apr 2007
To: Hermes (HERMESSANDOVAL) [#12] 5 Apr 2007

You mentioned a noise reduction device for the exhaust. I would appreciate tips on the construction of this. Recently the exhaust noise has become an issue for us due to a relocation.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 3 Apr 2007
To: Nick (NICKIONPOE) [#17] 3 Apr 2007

What we used to do in recording studios for the air conditioning ducts was to build a box with twice the square area of the duct. Looking from the top of the box was the opening to the duct in the lower section...

I'll attach a picture.

The top, bottom, and walls were covered with fiberglass. It muffles all but very high and very low frequencies.

From: UncleSteve [#19]
 3 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18] 4 Apr 2007

Are those available for spouses? (devil)

The baffle system you show is very similar to that used in many auto mufflers..... and all us "guys" have had a car we ran with the muffler removed... until the neighbors and local constable got on our case.. >.<

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#20]
 4 Apr 2007
To: UncleSteve [#19] 4 Apr 2007

Car mufflers use two or three pipes inside the box. They are holy in an anti resonant fashion. (The newer ones may have changed, but that is the way they used to be.)

From: UncleSteve [#21]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#20] 4 Apr 2007

Back in the middle of the last century, we used to cut them open and straighten and/or remove the baffles.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#22]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Nick (NICKIONPOE) [#17] 4 Apr 2007

How noisy is your current system and what is it made up of? Type Fan ......Length of draw...etc

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#23]
 4 Apr 2007

OOOOoooo we are having BIG issues with exhaust noise now that the weather is getting warmer and neighbors are opening doors/windows. I'm so concerned of the 747 impression we're producing here!

I can't wait to read more tips/tricks on this thread! Keep them coming!!

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#24]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#20] 4 Apr 2007

So Harvey - can you use a 4" car muffler for this application?

Pardon me...I'm just a girl! :)

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#25]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#24] 4 Apr 2007

I think you willl have to try a Diesel Truck surpressor for a 4" pipe.

How much CFP are you pulling ??

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#26]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#25] 4 Apr 2007

Not sure - it's the 1.5 HP Penn State blower.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#27]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#26] 4 Apr 2007

1100 CFM....... How far is the laser from the vent outlet..........

Just 1 laser or is there more hooked up??

I'm running just under 300 cfm and I can push 15-20 feet with no problem

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#28]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#27] 4 Apr 2007

Right now, the laser is only 6 feet away from both the blower and exhaust hole.

My current set up has the motor at ankle level on the floor with it venting directly via a dedicated hole outside. (this setup is in a garage.)

We want to change the config so that the vent hole will be farther from the laser - approx. a 30 foot run - thru 4" PVC. We also want to vent it out thru the roof making it push 30 feet and up thru the roof.

Do you know if it will be quieter if I use this setup or would you recommend some sort of muffler?

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#29]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#28] 4 Apr 2007

Forgot to mention - I have just one laser...currently! :)

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#30]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#28] 4 Apr 2007

I should hope that by venting through the roof the noise factor would be projected up out of ear shot.

How noisy is the unit running on the floor by your feet??

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#31]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#30] 4 Apr 2007

I'm not a noise expert but I believe the current setup of the exhaust directly venting to the outside with no piping/tubing between the exhaust and the outside is the problem. It is incredibly loud.

There is 6' of flex hose from the laser to the blower and then there is 8" from the exit of the blower to the outside.

But before my husband begins cutting holes in the roof, etc., I'm hoping to get some type of reassurance that it's only got to get better (i.e. quieter on the outside) with his efforts.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#32]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#31] 4 Apr 2007

But where is the fan unit going to be loacted??? up in the attic???

That's what is making all the noise..

Is the Smell a major factor to moving to the roof. If not a small fan is in order...

Just my recomendation. At 300cfm I have to check the "on" switch to make sure mine in even running.......


From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#32] 4 Apr 2007

Well now that's interesting....It is the noise - not the smell - that is a major concern. There is absolutely no question when mine is on.

Maybe you've got a point...my unit would not be moved in this new set up. It would stay on the floor in the shop. My thought (or wishful thinking) was all this PVC run of pipe was needed to get the noise level down. But maybe what I need is a smaller/quieter blower??

What unit are you using?

You say you have to even check your 'on' switch to see if it is running. How is the noise from the outside?


From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#34]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33] 4 Apr 2007

And where is your blower located in relation to your laser?

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#35]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33] 4 Apr 2007

It's not a good idea to leave the blower next to the laser and try to push the air through 30+ feet of pipe. The blower should be at the end, pulling the air through the pipe.

Your blower sounds like overkill first of all. If it's 1000 CFM, that's more than twice the CFM Epilog suggests for a mini.

If you build a box in the attic for the blower, and insulate the box, then blow up out of the roof, I would suspect that most of the sound would be contained in that box.

You can run a remote power switch down to the laser room and simply flick that switch before you start lasering.

BTW, use straight wall ducting for the exhaust to cut down on resistance in the pipe and the resonance caused by flexible tubing.

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