Full Version: Embedded Color profiles

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#1]
 29 Mar 2007

Hi Gang,
I am trying to print a mural on coated ceramic tiles from Johnson plastics, using an epson 4000 and sawgrass inks.

This is really the first time I have had a serious color correction problem and I think it has to do with the "embedded color profile" of the graphic.

I have tried using each of the different settings in sublijet IQ, all produce the same result. This leads me to believe that the culprit is the embedded color profile.

Does anyone know of a way, using either photoshop or photopaint to UN-EMBED the color profile? Or am I just way off base here. Any help would be appreciated.


From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#2]
 29 Mar 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#1] 29 Mar 2007


it could be that maybe the image is in a different mode,

usually for raster images or pictures the best workable mode is RGB,

in Photoshop go to Image>Mode and if it is in other than RGB change it to RGB.

Now if in fact have an embed profile you can change it or fix by going to,

Edit>Assign profile, there you have some options that most likely will fix your problem if it is what you think



From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3]
 29 Mar 2007
To: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#2] 29 Mar 2007


Thank you. The profile was in fact RGB 8 bit. HOWEVER, when I went to assign profile, ( which in photoshop VER. 8 {CS} is also under image) I changed the profile assignment to EPSON Stylus 4000.

That made a discernable difference in the color I saw on the screen so I will try printing a tile and see what happens.

Thanks for your help. I'll let you know how it works out.

From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#4]
 29 Mar 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3] 29 Mar 2007


what program you are using to print out?

because I'm not sure you make the right choice, I hope you don't double profile your image, I think if you use the Don't Color Manage this document
is a Better choice it will dump the embed profile if any,
I use, Working RGB : Adobe RGB (1998) since this is the most standard color space

Another better choice, than Epson Stylus Pro 4000 profile is Epson Adobe
RGB (1998)

Also for testing I recommend you buy some polyester material, testing in Tile become expensive when you are not getting the right color



From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#5]
 29 Mar 2007
To: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#4] 29 Mar 2007


I am using X3 to print the files. There was a SUBSTANTIAL difference between the tile with the embedded profile and the tile where I changed it to the epson stylus pro 4000 profile.

Now I will save the file using NO color management as you say.... and see what happens.

Yes, printing on tiles can be expensive, but I must ask, if I print to polyester fabric, will the color be slightly off because of the difference in substrate? If not, I'll try the polyester....

Off to the lab for more experimenting....( insert mad scientist evil laugh here)


From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#6]
 29 Mar 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#5] 29 Mar 2007


in polyester there is a little difference but not much you can get true colors in polyester material and you can tell when you are getting good colors or not, when you see an acceptable result then you can try in tile, I think this way you will save some money, specially you that pay such expensive deliveries, another advantage you have in using polyester material is like in this case, you can save different images with different profiles and print them together and compare.

Also try the Epson Adobe RGB (1998)


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