Full Version: Large donor sign - purple

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#16]
 3 Apr 2007
To: George (GPRIVATEER) [#15] 3 Apr 2007


Thank you for getting back to us. I look forward to the definitive word on a custom color.

Oh and the summer one day and winter the next, isn't limited to the midwest. We, in SoCal, got a taste of that about a week ago. :-)

From: George (GPRIVATEER) [#17]
 3 Apr 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#16] 3 Apr 2007

Hi Dave (and others),

Well, the short answer for a custom color matched sheet is that it ain't cheap. Typically, we ask for 300 sheets for a custom color match with an $80 color match fee and a 4-8 week turnaround.

The reason for that is that a custom color match requires Rowmark to get a custom color concentrate (hence the fee) and do a special extrusion run (hence the large minimum and turnaround). I wish it were as simple as dropping a new color into the extruder and cranking out some material, but it's quite an involved process.

The best bet is to either find a color that's close in the Rowmark line and order some custom combined sheets from exisiting colors or, as others have suggested, back fill a clear sheet. Honestly, these options are much more cost effective.

I hope this helps!

Thanks, all!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18]
 3 Apr 2007
To: George (GPRIVATEER) [#17] 3 Apr 2007

Thanks again George. Makes sense.

At least we have those facts to base our decisions upon.

From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#19]
 3 Apr 2007

Thanks to all for your input on getting the purple reverse material in to reality. Thanks George for your information - I think even 300 sheets would be more than people want to split! I'll probably go with the clear and paint it myself.

Ron & Mike - on smaller runs I usually paint the entire sheet of clear with the color I want for the background, let it dry and then engrave through this color and paint fill the letters. From what I was reading, you both would do the opposite. Am I reading correctly? Just out of curiosity, why do you do the lettering first and then do all the sanding etc, then paint the background color? Don't you find that more labor intensive? I haven't had any trouble with painting the background color first - no peeling while engraving the letters or anything like that.

I like the idea of having a body shop paint the purple though. They can give me the real royal purple I'm looking for.

Thanks for all the ideas.

From: Zonas [#20]
 4 Apr 2007
To: George (GPRIVATEER) [#17] 4 Apr 2007

Hi George, was wondering if you have ever thought of running a poll to see what colors or color combinations engravers would like? I know one I wish for is that you carried a heavy frosted reverse engraved material. I have to buy your UM clear/clear - sandblast it then engrave it and color fill - which is a pain to clean up after the rough sand finish. Interior decorators love the 'frosted glass' look around here (I think of the old doctor offices windows when I see these.).

To keep this on Cindy's thread.....you really do need more purple selections. There are many schools using purple and our choices are few.

My 2 cents

Zona's Engraved Creations

From: George (GPRIVATEER) [#21]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Zonas [#20] 4 Apr 2007

Hi Zona,

Thanks for the feedback! I know that the frosted look is hard to achieve through extruded plastic, but maybe there is a way to do that through some sort of foil. I will pass that on to our engineering department and keep you posted of their response.

As for the purple materials, do you mean more shades of purple or more purple color combinations? If it's the latter, we've added a few more color combinations in our new Varsity Collection, including Purple/Yellow (which is fairly popular). You can see the colors we are offering in that line at http://www.rowmark.com/laser/Varsity_Collection/VarsityCollection.asp
(if the link does not work, it's under the products section/laserable).

Also, if there is a specific color combination you're looking for, ask you distributor. Nine times out of ten we can make a combination out of exisiting components, and it's typically a 5 sheet minimum for that kind of an order. So if, say, you need a purple over gold, we can do that with no problem.

I hope this helps, and I think a survey is a good idea. I'll bring that up at our next Marketing Team meeting in two weeks. Maybe we could do that online somehow.

If you have any other questions, give me a shout! Let me know what else I can do to help...and thanks for using our products :-)


From: Mike (MIKEN) [#22]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Cindy (CINDYM) [#20] 5 Apr 2007


My process is to paint the back and then engrave the back and color fill it.

Sometimes it's hard to get the color you want on a reverse engraved color fill and it may be better to mask the front, engrave and color fill. Just depends on how much pop you want the engraved color fill to have.

I would like to see a sample of Ron's process as it sounds very interesting.

EDITED: 4 Apr 2007 by MIKEN

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#23]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#22] 4 Apr 2007

You can get a little more 'pop' in the reverse engraved filled stuff by doing a final coat of white. Primer works very well.

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#24]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#23] 4 Apr 2007


That makes sense. I'll give it a try.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#25]
 4 Apr 2007
To: George (GPRIVATEER) [#21] 5 Apr 2007

Since you make a purple in the Varsity line, does that mean that it's a standard color that could be used in custom combinations? In which case she would only need to order the 5 sheets in the specific combination she wanted (purple/clear) instead of needing 300 sheets of a custom color.

From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#26]
 5 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#25] 5 Apr 2007

Good question Dave. I was only thinking of the purple in the satins and not whether that could transfer as a color to the clear.

Hmmm, I'll be interested in seeing the answer from George.


From: George (GPRIVATEER) [#27]
 5 Apr 2007
To: Cindy (CINDYM) [#26] 5 Apr 2007

Hello Cindy and Dave,

As always, there is no real easy answer for this one, but the short answer is yes, we can do a clear/purple reverse using the purple color from the LaserMax line.

However, the foil for the LaserMax line isn't really designed to be a second surface (reverse) foil. What you will actually see through the clear will be the back side of the foil, which will still be purple, but might be a slightly different shade of purple than the front side (which is the side that shows in the LaserMax line). I hope that makes sense!

Anyway, Cindy, if you would like to email me outside of the forum, we can talk about it a little further and I can even see if we have some samples (which is a shot in the dark, but I've been surprised before about what I can find around here).

Oh, and yes, that would fall under the 5 sheet minimum "rule".

Cindy, my email is gprivateer@rowmark.com.


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