Full Version: EGX 30 alignment

From: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1]
 3 Apr 2007

Man I feel stupid. Going from laser to mechanical really makes me see how much I don't know!

On my EGX 30, there isn't any kind of rulers or guide rails...how do I know where something is on the page to start engraving? For example, if I put a 1x3 plate in the center of the engraving table, how do I know where that reference is in Dr Engrave? I know I can change the origin point, but it just doesn't seem like that's very accurate??? And it's not like lasering where I can just mask and see if it's right...


From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#2]
 3 Apr 2007
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1] 3 Apr 2007

According to the manual:

"EGX-30 computerized engravers are just right for users who are already familiar with engraving. The economical EGX-30 machine is ready to go, right out of the box, and includes a detailed instruction manual. "

I guess you're saying their "detailed" and your "detailed" are a a bit different! :/


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