Full Version: First mechanical engraving job

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12]
 18 Apr 2007
To: basehorawards [#10] 18 Apr 2007

I am not trying to sound like a wise gal here but do you know what condensation is and how it relates to bit size? Are you familiar with the 45% rule?


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#13]
 18 Apr 2007
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12] 18 Apr 2007

Since a letter only condenses width wise, it gets tough. I usually adjust the bit size by half the distance of the condensation.

E.G. If it condenses to 70%, 1/2 the distance to 100% is 85%. So I multiply the result by .85.

Meant to post to Jim, not Dee.

EDITED: 18 Apr 2007 by HARVEY-ONLY

From: logojohn [#14]
 18 Apr 2007
To: basehorawards [#10] 18 Apr 2007

Now I am confused. Since you have a Xenetech, why not just go to normal
view and enter the cutter size at the bottom left.
It will then show you what the letters look like with that width of cutter.
Or were you just trying to help those without that feature.
I thought I heard some other brands of rotarys could do that to.

Its also handy to use if you need to make a paper proof for a customer since it shows what the actual letter width will be. It prints that way so you could even use it for sending to the laser or sublimation if you wanted to.

As a general rule I start with a cutter size the same as the height in inches and ignore the decimals. From there I adjust in normal view to allow for letters condensing or fonts with different numbers of strokes.

.15 inches .015 cutter
.3 inch letters .030 cutter
.6 inch letters .060 cutter
1.25 inch letters .125 cutter
Like I said, that is a starting point and as anything, there are exceptions.

From: basehorawards [#15]
 18 Apr 2007
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12] 19 Apr 2007

Nope I am just learning. I got my Xenetech secondhand and so I did not get the benefit of the salesman training. I am still learning and the curve is steep and sometimes I am thick in the head. I use the help menu a lot but they can't cover everything there.

What is the 45% rule?

From: basehorawards [#16]
 18 Apr 2007
To: logojohn [#14] 18 Apr 2007

enter the cutter size at the bottom left

Now I have learned something else. I did know that the Xenetech put a suggested cutter size down there but I did not know that I could change it. I suppose I should have known that but I never actually thought it through.

Most of what I have done on my rotary has been stainless with 1/4" and larger letters with a .030 bit and diamond drag. As the number of years in business grow larger I am beginning to get more interesting jobs and as such am having the need and opportunity to learn more.

Boy I sure have taken this thread off topic.

From: geebeau [#17]
 18 Apr 2007
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1] 19 Apr 2007

Good show!!
Everyone has to start at the beginning.

Best of luck!


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 19 Apr 2007
To: basehorawards [#15] 19 Apr 2007

The 45% rule is that to look right, the engraving should be 45% of the height of the piece.

If you want three lines with the top one 1.5 X the height of the others you can use a formula. Difficult to explain so I will try to give an example.
The piece will be 2.5" tall in the example.

2.5" X .45 = 1.125" total engraving height

First line 1.5 X the next two. 1.5 + 1 + 1 =3.5
1.125 / 3.5 = .321

The bottom two lines (1 X) should be .321" tall
The top line at 1.5 X the others should be .321 X 1.5 = .482

As far as the left and right margins .08 X Width usually works, especially on smaller pieces. On larger pieces .06 works well. New Hermes Gravograph 98 defaults to .10, way too large except for tiny pieces. Dahlgren used .08.

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