Full Version: ARA Las Vegas - ADA Seminar

From: Bridget (BBURKEL) [#1]
 22 Feb 2005

Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know that Reuven Rahamim will be doing 2 seminars at the ARA show in Vegas on ADA signage. He will be covering the latest ADA regulations passed in 2004 and will highlight the process of creating compliant signage.
The seminars are Friday and Saturday of the show. If you are just getting into ADA, are looking to expand your engraving business, or just want to keep up-to-date on the latest regulations and methods, I would highly suggest attending.

Thank you,

Bridget Burkel
Administrative Assistant
Accent Signage Systems, Inc.

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#2]
 22 Feb 2005
To: Bridget (BBURKEL) [#1] 22 Feb 2005

Thanks for the input...

We are looking at getting into ADA signage, and I have registered for this seminar. It looks like it will be VERY informative and helpful.

Eternity Creations

From: Mike (EJPUBLISHER) [#3]
 22 Feb 2005

You might like to know that Reuven is the author of the article in EJ about ADA signage which appears in the new March 05 issue. We are providing Reuven with some copies of the issue and it's my understanding he'll pass them out to seminar attendees.

If you miss the seminar, stop by the EJ booth at the show for a copy.

From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#4]
 23 Feb 2005
To: Bridget (BBURKEL) [#1] 23 Feb 2005

I wanted very much to attend this particular seminar, but am having to leave the conference Thursday night. Is there any way to get a handout or something on what will be covered? We've been doing Braille signage since it all started and I need to keep up to date on the changes as they happen and on what is currently allowed in signage.
Cascade Engraving & Awards, LLC

From: Bridget (BBURKEL) [#5]
 23 Feb 2005
To: Cindy (CINDYM) [#4] 23 Feb 2005


I can send you a paper copy of the powerpoint presentation. Send your mailing address to me at bridget@accentsignage.com.
If you're interested, there will be another seminar in Chicago in April, just before the CSI show.


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