Full Version: Need Wood Trophy Supplier

From: KatheW2 (KATHE) [#7]
 22 Mar 2005

Well, my blonde moment just got the best of me. My Husband asked if I had heard anything from this forum on the trophy as our customer order another today.

A big Oops on my part. I scanned the picture before I left to go out of town Sunday afternoon. I just forgot to post it. I will make sure I do tonight as I need to get these made asap.

Chaulk another up to what I call a "ID10T" error.


From: KatheW2 (KATHE) [#8]
 22 Mar 2005

Here is a picture of the trophy that I am looking for. If any of you have any source for anything that looks remotely similar, please let me know.



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