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 From:  JHayes55
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
2323.15 In reply to 2323.1 

Very nice David.
What type of power and speed did you use for a 30 watt?
Where do you get your arcylic?


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  JHayes55 
2323.16 In reply to 2323.15 


Thank You!

I purchase my acrylic from a local distributor name Regal Plastics. They have locations throughout the midwest. I bought a 4'x8' sheet of 1/4" cast acrylic and had them cut it into sizes that would fit into my laser and would also provide the most yield. I drove down to Kansas City and picked it up.

A bonus to this story was that when I was pulling out of Regal's parking lot, I noticed a warehouse that said T-shirt printing. I walked into their back loading dock door and ran into the owner of the business. Much to my pleasure, they did mostly wholesale printing, from basic one-color to full color. He showed me their 16-color press and some of their work. They do some pretty complex stuff and have been in business for 30 years. Needless to say, I will be using them for my promotional products business.

Back to the subject. I used settings of 4% speed and 100% power.

 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
2323.17 In reply to 2323.6 

Hi Dave,

If your problem is innacuracy in the cut because of growth as you are cutting. You could create the outline where you plan on cutting the piece. Cut the piece out. Trace the edge, and fit the original image to the new out of original spec size that you end up with.

Use a set of location pins taped down to register the cut piece in the same location on the laser bed piece after piece, and run the image on the pre-cut pieces. If there is any error generated in the cut. You will have had the oportunity to adjust for it when setting up the separate imaging function.

Not having a laser, I am just theorizing as to what is going on, but it's clear in my head :) I am basicly just applying what we have to do when screen printing for registratration of odd shaped pieces. Your just imaging with a laser instead of a screen. We don't care if the shape we are printing on is exactly to tolerance, as long as we can center the image that we are laying down and and make it look nice. Seperate the cut from the imaging process, and I think you will be home free.

Brian G.


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