Folder SubstratesIkon Metal

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 From:  precisionlaser
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3110.3 In reply to 3110.2 

David, I agree. I think there will be many uses for this material. I am planning on using my remaining sample piece for sand blasting today and see how long it takes to blast to a reasonable depth. I'll use LaserTape and laser engrave the mask.

Photobrasive is a little ahead of themselves on this. The sales people have not even been trained on how to sell it or how to answer questions about it yet. I haven't tried to order any yet, but I have a feeling that I would be told that it's not in stock yet.

Mark Dickens
Precision Laser Art, LLC

 From:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD)
 To:  ALL
Do a google search on "cold casting",if it's the same compond , this stuff is easy to make yourself and can be used for many other things (EG , laser engrave acrylic as a female and use it to make metal male" castings. ) Requires almost no investment barring some resin and metal powder. Pour some on a level piece of acrylic , build a small dam to contain the flow let it cure and flip it out and hey prestio , you have your own version.

 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) 
3110.5 In reply to 3110.4 

This sounds like a perfect item for you to do an article on.

The details will be helpful to our members, [and me].

Take some photos and I will whip up your text and photos up to a PDF file.

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  GBengraver
 To:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) 
3110.6 In reply to 3110.4 

You never cease to amaze me with your depth of knowlege on any subject that comes up here.

I am always impressed and somewhat jealous. ;-) 

We are very lucky to have you on board.

Thanks for taking your valuable time to chime in here.


"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."



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