Folder Supplier ReviewsSheen Badge Company in Taiwan

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 From:  joyce (JLADY)
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3115.3 In reply to 3115.2 
They gave me a shipping cost of 48.00 but I didn't think of duty charges, is there any way to figure that out, and freight forwarding, not sure of what that means??

 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  joyce (JLADY) 
3115.4 In reply to 3115.3 

On an order this size you likely don't need to deal with a freight forwarding company.

Ask the supplier what the shipping charges cover. If it doesn't cover duty, you will need to do some research on what you are liable for. In the modest small order importing I have done I have found that DHL and FedEx are best to deal with. Here are some links that may help answer current and future questions.



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