Folder Tricks & TipsCorporate Logos Online-Free Sharing

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 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  aallen 
363.20 In reply to 363.17 

In theory, you need to get signed permission from the corporate legal department to be perfectly safe.

The way I handle it is if the owner of a Burger King needs something made for the store, I consider it tacit approval by the company to produce the product.

If it was a person off the street, then a totally different ballgame.


Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Sub Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  ARAMember
 To:  ALL
363.21 In reply to 363.20 

I've always been a FIRM believer in: "I didn't make the rules, but the guy who did just leveled the playing field".

i.e. If I have a $500 order from Mercury, and the logos they gave me are junk, I'm NOT loosing the order because of them, if there is a source somewhere with razor sharp logos that will make the order that keeps the lights on next week. I'm in business because the things in life my son needs cost money! Bottom line.

Here are some other I.N.V.A.L.U.A.B.L.E sites. not free ****three stars****

Just so I'm not hung out. All logo orders require the standard permission and release form when comming out of this building on anything. And when using these sites, to obtain the needed logos, the order is almost ALWAYS for the OWNER of the logo in question.

You'd be absolutely amazed how many companies beg me for a copy of the logo after the order is complete, simply, because it's so hard in larger companies for the people to track down and get a "clean" copy of a logo that has been opened and saved 50 times. And NO, I don't charge them for the logo if I aquire it online.



 From:  aallen
 To:  ARAMember 
363.22 In reply to 363.21 

Thanks, for the info. I will think about what I need now, BEFORE I need it. Does it matter on the language of the form? Or can I just type up a little something to use for them to sign?

I will add this to my list of need to do's, wow that list is getting longer!



 From:  John (ICTJOHN)
 To:  ARAMember 
363.23 In reply to 363.21 


Thanks for the links, I had forgot that I didn't have the Roland site in my favorites since I completely re-loaded my machine this past weekend. You are right the Logotypes site is AAAA+, that was a new site for me.


Thanks again,



John email:

 From:  Shaddy
 To:  ALL
363.24 In reply to 363.20 

Along the same lines,

Looks legit, I can usually find a font close enough to what I want.

Just thought I'd share, and ask if anyone knows of this for sure being a legitimate site that isn't doing anything illegal.


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