Thank you Sprinter.
I visited your forum and I've already found it of value.
Would you mind if I ask your real name?
The reason I ask, is when visiting your site, I saw a post from "Stunted Engraver" which, while I was amused, helped solidify my decision as to the use of pseudonyms, as usernames.
The new registration at, (ala Sawmill Creek), will require that a person's true identity, be their username.
We're a group of professionals and professionals-in-training. Anything worth saying, (if a person feels strongly enough), is worthy of saying, under their true identity.
That will eliminate anonymous snipes/pot-shots/complaints etc.
While we're on that topic, as much as I'm opposed to deleting posts, I will make a single exception. posts, created for the sole purpose of taunting, gloating or in any way disparaging another forum, or its members, will be summarily deleted.
If a person persists, they'll be out the door. Bottom line.
I must say, with imitation being the most sincere form of flattery, I admit to being very pleased.
Aside from that, I hope you don't mind if I make it abundantly clear, to our current and future forum members, that your site is in no way affiliated with
With that in mind, if you ever decide to change the name of your forum, I'll eagerly include your site in our "Links of Interest."
I commend you for taking the inititiative and creating a cost-free venue for the discussion of all things awards and engraving industry related.
I'm not being disingenuous, when I say, I wish you the best of luck, in your new venture. David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA |