Folder Vinyl GraphicsVistool 6

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 From:  Puck (PUCKERBRUSH)
 To:  gt350ed 
4113.20 In reply to 4113.19 

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Engraving and Signs

 From:  gt350ed
4113.21 In reply to 4113.20 
Thank you! I received it.

Ed Holley
Victor Valley Trophy & Awards Co.
and Coffee Mugs Online


 From:  JHayes55
 To:  gt350ed 
4113.22 In reply to 4113.21 

Ed - I have been following this thread. I would suggest you consider Co-Cut Pro. This is the program that I spoke to you about before. Since you have went to the expense of a nice cutter why not finish the job with a cutting program that works trouble free. I know that it is an investment but consider the fact that while trying to figure out another cutting program that will not work as effective as it should you could be learning a professional program and making money. Would you give up Corel Draw for a program that is much less capable - like Windows Paint to do your graphic work?? It's like using a heat gun to make mugs vs using a mug press.

How about beveling plastic with a knife verses a beveler from Quality One?

I have made more profit with a vinyl cutter in one day than Co-Cut Pro cost.

Scape the mold off the money, and let the moths fly free - go get a decent program and pay the fee.


 From:  gt350ed
 To:  JHayes55 
4113.23 In reply to 4113.22 
Thanks for the "advise", Joe, but the thread has to do with Vistool 6 and whether anyone on the forum had experience with it or could help me out with a manual or help files to allow me to use it to get comfortable with my first cutter/plotter with no previous experience. The download was free, and the software came with good recommendation.

I understand that you are very high on Co-Cut/Smart-Cut Pro cutting software. However, that was not the point of the thread. It just does not make sense to "learn" off of an $800 program from a company that has already proven to me that they are more interested in sales than in providing support. This is not an idle comment on my part. After spending $3,400 with them, I would expect more than the less-than-thorough manuals I have received in conjunction with their other products. And phone support is only "support" if you are calling to make another purchase.

Once I figure out the basics of a cutter/plotter, and get some comfortability with the equipment, I may very well buy a product such as Co-Cut/Smart-Cut. Just not now.

And this cutter/plotter scenario is not a top priority. We're busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger as we approach our third anniversary with the store. It's just that I walk past this brand new machine and wish I had a clue...and some software, to see if it even works. B-) 

Ed Holley
Victor Valley Trophy & Awards Co.
and Coffee Mugs Online


 From:  JHayes55
 To:  gt350ed 
4113.24 In reply to 4113.23 

Sorry about your problem with Smart Design - I really hate to hear that because I do like their software. I don't blame you for wanting to try out a software before purchase. I just know that after messing with some other software that the Co-Cut was by far the most seamless when working with Corel. Co-Cut should be available from other sources than Smart Design.
Hope it all works out well and if I can do anything to help let me know.


EDITED: 22 Jun 2006 by JHAYES55


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