Folder Pantograph/Hand EngravingStunt Engraving: Can You Engrave a Putter?

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 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Mike (MIKEN) 
4272.13 In reply to 4272.12 


You're right. That's definitely an advanced procedure for pantograph engraving and not one I would recommend, to anyone without a lot of practice, in working without a standard means of depth control.

The fact remains, for someone looking to get their foot in the door, there's a lot of relatively inexpensive pantograph equipment out there.

Many jobs don't require "Stunt Engraving" and I like doing those too. :-) 

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 8 Jul 2006 by DGL


 From:  gt350ed
 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
4272.14 In reply to 4272.8 
Hey, dude! You start smokin again?

Look again. There is, indeed, an "s" in the equation. B-) 

Ed Holley
Victor Valley Trophy & Awards Co.
and Coffee Mugs Online


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  gt350ed 
4272.15 In reply to 4272.14 

It is so clogged that you cannot see the pile of 's' in the equation.

It surely cannot be that I am blind. :-$ 

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


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