Folder Supplier ReviewsTropar

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 From:  John (ICTJOHN)
 To:  Patty (PDI) 
4312.5 In reply to 4312.3 


Well, I did receive my order from them today - so they must have been real busy when you called.


 From:  geebeau
 To:  Patty (PDI) 
4312.6 In reply to 4312.3 

I fax in my order and it arrives the next day or the following day.
Much easier and they and I have a written record of what I ordered.


Custom ID & Awards


 From:  Bill (ALBILLBERT2000)
 To:  geebeau 
4312.7 In reply to 4312.6 
I just had something happen with Tropar.. I had a customer that had one of their perp plaques from 5 years ago... and needed another one... so went to the back of the plaque found the number on their label and reordered.. much to my suprise the item that came in was a different product.. called them and they said.. they normally dont change numbers but ocassially do. ... engraver beware.. lol.. double check.. it cost me meeting a deadline.. and .. they offered no help.. I didnt push the issue..

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