Folder General DiscussionVery fun challenge

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 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  ALL

As promised, I remembered my camera Friday....took several pics, but none of them really turned out well. I think my flash was too bright, and I should have turned it off.

Anyway, this is the best of the pictures.

The picture makes the edges of the engraving look cruddy. They are anything BUT cruddy.....they're very sharp and clean. I filled them with gold enamel three times to make sure the end result was as near to perfection as I could get it (no bubbles, very uniform fill level).

My customer picked up her plaque Friday, and just loved it. I told her that I liked it so much that I made a second one to put on display....and that I would wait until after they presented it before I put it up.

I ended up keeping the plaque that I routed with the rotary engraver, and gave my customer the lasered plaque.

Also noteworthy, I ended up using 1" wide trophy tape and clear silicone to hold the marble in the plaque. The tape probably has little effect, but it made me feel a little more comfortable about handling it before the silicone set. I let the silicone set for almost 24 hours before letting my customer take the plaque....just to make sure. ;-)

The plaque will be presented to the widow of the man in the photo. She'll love it.


 From:  Goodvol (JIMGOOD)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
5848.19 In reply to 5848.18 


That's awesome! It sent a chill through my body when I read the "Safe at Home" inscription. I'm sure his wife will cherish it. Beautiful work! Pat yourself on the back for this one.



 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
5848.20 In reply to 5848.18 
Very nice Cody!

Pictures rarely do justice, but that one definitely gets your points across.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


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