Folder Computers/ Peripherals/ SoftwareTrouble with printing matrix

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 From:  logojohn
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
6212.6 In reply to 6212.4 
I would have never thought of using an engraving program to make sublimation prints.

I have, being chronically behind in production, any few second saved here and there is a bonus.

The Xenetech engraving software for rotarys and lasers is limited in color choices but for black or basic colors it is the bomb.

When I had 1000 1x3 sublimation plates that a customer supplied a text file for, I set up a basic layout. You can select the line or lines with changing text, the individual plate size, full plate size (normally the standard or legal paper size) and space between for easy shearing later and just paste the text. The Xenetech software takes over and with a couple clicks creates multiple pages that will be printed one after another with just sending it to the power driver once!



 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  logojohn 
6212.7 In reply to 6212.6 
Steve and John.

More than one way to skin a cat, or print sublimation transfers. :-)

Never knew that (sublimation transfers).


David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  bruce (BBSD)
 To:  geebeau 
6212.8 In reply to 6212.1 

select all on one page ( control-L ).

print selected chk box with info chk box off.

one page ( layer ) at a time.


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