Folder Where Can I Find?Stencil Font

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 From:  Rob Mc (ROBMC)
 To:  ALL

Hey All

I'm trying to make some stencils for someone to use for spraypainting
I've got a stencil font on my mac but not on my PC for lasering
anyone any ideas where to track a stencil font down or maybe I'm approaching this job wrongly (fairly newbie here)



 From:  jumbo (JIMC)
 To:  Rob Mc (ROBMC) 
6339.2 In reply to 6339.1 

Have a look at in Free Fonts there are several.


 From:  Mike (MIKEN)
 To:  Rob Mc (ROBMC) 
6339.3 In reply to 6339.2 

Hey Rob:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

There will be a stencil font in your Corel font folder. Use Font Navigator to search your cd and your hard drive.

You can also make your own stencil fonts out of just about any font by typing the letter then making it an outline, make a box which forms a bridge to the rest of the material from the centers of letters such as a, d, e,g,o etc. Use the trim tools "front minus back" and there you have your stencil font.

Mike Null
Dist. of Lazer Cutting Grid

EDITED: 16 Mar 2007 by MIKEN


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  Rob Mc (ROBMC) 
6339.4 In reply to 6339.1 

Here are 11 pages of stencil fonts. Some will work, while others will not.

EDITED: 16 Mar 2007 by DATAKES


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